Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing => Combat => Topic started by: Dwayne on August 02, 2010, 05:29:52 AM

Title: Voodoo and Streak wing flites
Post by: Dwayne on August 02, 2010, 05:29:52 AM
I finally got around to test flying my Fox Rocket powered Voodoo and Mk 4 Flite Streak wing combat, The Rocket Voodoo was rock solid and flew great but the streak for some reason went in on the first lap, I pulled up as it went down so I think I have an alignment problem, I need to rebuild the outboard wing so it will be awhile before it flies again. so all in all I'd say it could have been worse and the Voodoo did fly great so I had a good time.
Some short vids at
click on videos
Title: Re: Voodoo and Streak wing flites
Post by: Terrence Durrill on August 02, 2010, 09:11:01 AM
Hi Dwayne, I checked out your website................nice airplanes.  I have a bunch of VooDoo's and VooDoo kits (a lifetime supply, if I don't live to be over 276 years old).  Anyhow I like the VooDoo very much as a sport model.  I have flown them with the Fox .36x and 36xBB engines in the early 1960's and later with Super Tigre .35C and Super Tigre G-21 .35's.  They are great fun  #^ ........TDurrill   H^^
Title: Re: Voodoo and Streak wing flites
Post by: Jerry Rauch on August 08, 2010, 06:17:01 PM
Does anyone cut a Voodoo kit?  I'd like to buy a goldberg kit, but would rather not go the e-bay route (haven't seen any in months there anyway). I do have a set of plans and rib templets, but I've never scratch built a plane. Seems like I remember I couldn't find the correct size leading edge.
Title: Re: Voodoo and Streak wing flites
Post by: Dwayne on August 08, 2010, 07:05:35 PM
Hi Jerry
For a first time scratch build you can`t find one much easier, I used 1 inch leading edge from my LHS, give one a try you may be suprised how well you do.
 y1 #^ <=