Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing => Combat => Topic started by: Clifton Gregory on July 24, 2011, 11:11:47 AM

Title: GRS Models
Post by: Clifton Gregory on July 24, 2011, 11:11:47 AM
Does anyone know if GRS Models is still in business. I tried to pull up the web-site but it's no longer available, thanks.
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: Clifton Gregory on July 25, 2011, 12:37:10 AM
Thanks, I spoke with George Cleveland, GRS Models.
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: dankar on September 17, 2011, 01:43:14 AM
Does anybody have an email address on George  Cleveland. I tried an address from online search but it did not work. I know site is gone but looks like he is still active.
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: Paul Smith on September 18, 2011, 05:42:47 PM
George was alive and well at the TT in Detroit, Labor Day.  

GRS and some others were effectively middle men in the business of importing stuff from Russia and eastern Europe.  Now it's gotten so you can just buy direct, so their niche market has sort of faded away.
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: dankar on September 18, 2011, 06:30:38 PM
Thanks for update. Now is there contact site for these models?? I tried the Chek site and it lists UC but shows nothing. Even tried Larry Driskill's site and it shows no models.
It did show plugs/lines etc. Thank you,Dan
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: dave siegler on September 19, 2011, 04:03:55 AM

Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: dankar on September 19, 2011, 10:25:21 AM
Thanks you for websites. Sure wish I had picked up some when GRS had them. Maybe when Core House comes back from flood damage.
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: Steven Kientz on September 19, 2011, 02:56:14 PM
If you're interested in building go to www. streamershuttle. Lester Haury is putting together a really nice airframe, about the same price.

Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: dave siegler on September 19, 2011, 10:00:31 PM
Thanks you for websites. Sure wish I had picked up some when GRS had them. Maybe when Core House comes back from flood damage.

Mike Wilcox sells stuff.

A lot of the long time fliers have relationships with the builders and can get stuff.  They also love the share the shipping on a box of airplanes.

We have done business with viko, and it works out well.  Got to have trust and pateince, and it will all work out.  It is not tower hobbies. 
Tom has been over ther a few times and that helps when there is a problem. 

The streamer shuttle looks like a good buy.  also check this out.
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: dankar on September 20, 2011, 09:18:41 AM
Viko site looks good. Emailed Lester Haury about kits. Thank you,Dan  H^^
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: dankar on September 21, 2011, 11:35:33 AM
Thanks all for help. Found couple good sites and recieved email from George. Problem with buying direct is quanity thats needed to buy. 10-20 models is out of my needs. I like to fly these and have a thing for good engines. I learned to fly with a VooDoo. I am not into contest but still like fast planes.
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: Paul Smith on September 22, 2011, 07:00:01 AM
One way to buy this stuff is to attend a MAJOR triple elim F2D contest.  Some guys fly into the contest, then sell their left over planes in lieu of shipping them home. 

Sounds strange to the stunt flyer, but F2D'ers don't have a love affair with their toyes.  There are minor improvements year-to-year and some prefer to sell the current models and order the new revision over the winter.

Personally, I'm still dabbling with four engines & twelve planes I bought in 2008.  $2,500 doesn't make you a winner, but it sure gets you into the game.
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: dankar on September 23, 2011, 10:34:04 PM
There is a local contest tomorrow. Combat/ Carrier etc. I will be helping with timing of Carrier and maybe find something there.  They are going to have speed limit/ F2d and 1/2A combat. Phoenix club holds several meets at our field in Tucson.  We have three nice paved circles and three grass circles. All maintained and clean. It has been real sow with combat vendors getting items.  I can make mounts/ brackets/ bladders etc but some items are hard to get. Lucky I am getting close to what I can use and will pwesist till its done.  Dan
Title: Re: GRS Models
Post by: dankar on October 11, 2011, 05:28:13 PM
Well contest was fun and I helped with Carrier event. Combat boys did not show up.  I did get an order to George and have two Mini Ande planes coming soon I hope.  I bough a new Fora .06 and friend has some Cyclons for sale. I was not going to bother with 1/2A stuff but Hobby Club had Fora at great price. Since then they rasied price another $30.00. I will have fast / speed limit/ F2D and 1/2A. Should be good to go soon.