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Author Topic: A RETURN?  (Read 12768 times)

Offline Andre Ming

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« on: October 01, 2023, 01:04:19 PM »
Yup. You read correctly.

I'm contemplating reactivating within the hobby. However, I need to determine the feasibility of it before I waste time/money.


Have any of you come up with a good system for solo starting as well as remote launching a combat wing that would allow me to solo fly?

There are ZERO C/L enthusiasts that I know of in my immediate region. (Eastern OK near Fort Smith, AR.) IF I fly again, 90% of it would be solo. The years of involving my wife in flight sessions are past and gone. (Not fair to her, plus she hated the exhaust goo, noise, etc.)


Have any of you successfully devised a combat wing launcher that lends itself to hand starting??

Andre Ming
Searching to find my new place in this hobby!

Offline john e. holliday

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« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2023, 01:38:18 PM »
I wish you were here as I have a launcher for combat wings that works for me.  I would have to look but I think I have pictures on here some where.  It has been over three years since I have been out flying.  Plan is using the launchers for my 1/2A's in the back yard.  If I get in the mood maybe I will get the camera charged and take pictures.   They won't let me out of the house for any length of time when temps get above 80F degrees. D>K
John E. "DOC" Holliday
10421 West 56th Terrace
Shawnee, KANSAS  66203
AMA 23530  Have fun as I have and I am still breaking a record.

Offline Andre Ming

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« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2023, 01:48:33 PM »
Hi Doc!

Glad yer still a' kickin'!

I would love to see pics, but please consider your health. It can wait.

Being self sufficient in starting/launching is the single biggest hurdle for me. IF I can conquer that, then returning to flying can be an "as in the mood" sort of thing without inconveniencing the wife (ain't happenin'), or having to wait until I can hook up with a (currently non-existent) flying bud.

I've lost touch with all the C/L'ers I was in the loop with.

BUT, even if there WAS a "flying bud", I would NOT want to be dependent on coordinating with same for a flying date/etc. I need to be able to be self sufficient within the hobby. THAT will go a long way toward insuring better longevity within the hobby on account that me having fun within it would NOT be dependent on others, as has always been the case.

Searching to find my new place in this hobby!

Offline 944_Jim

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« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2023, 10:17:52 PM »
Mr. Andre,
A late member here and CoxEngineForum named RKNRusty flew solo. He had (has?) YouTube videos showing self-launches of popular planes from a carpet mat/brick on barstool stooge. I bet one of his videos could be found within 5 minutes of GoogleFoo.

Otherwise, you might consider building fly-off dollies or single wheel landing gear. String launching from the ground works too:
Drop-off landing gear (like on this plane above) doesn't detract from the flight in any way.

Edit: Found in 10 minutes:
« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 10:41:58 PM by 944_Jim »

Offline Andre Ming

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« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2023, 07:25:33 AM »
We have a winner!

Way to go Jim! Thanks!

THAT is a very do-able solution!

(Yes, I remember RKNRusty here at Stunthanger. He was a super nice guy.)

Okay, so I have a "start here" idea for solo flying of my combat wings and non-landing gear sport planes.

The immediate thought is that a plastic folding table with a .36 size sleeve on one end, and a 1/2A sleeve on the other would cover all my potential bases: Combat wings with .35/.36 size combat power, "Ringmaster-type" sport plane w/36 sleeve bearing power, and 1/2A combat wings/conventional planes.

NOW, I guess the next step is to make a decision. I don't have a sport airplane at this point, and I really don't think it would be wise to return to flying with a combat wing, in spite of having a restrictor in the venturi. Even with a restrictor, a 36X powered combat wing tootin' along at 90 MPH just might be a handful for a 71 year old that hasn't flown ANYTHING since about 2015-16.

BUT... the above idea means I CAN do this if I so choose.


Searching to find my new place in this hobby!


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« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2023, 04:40:12 AM »
Hello Andre

The Carpet tube roll and an old BBQ/table seems to be a popular choice for those flying solo or wanting to fly combat (when you only have two people) here in New Zealand as the few flyers present are often spread thin.
 My wife learnt to fly stunt with a 5th Revolution combat plane as it was stable but turned well enough and took a beating . The PAW19 gave 4-5 second lap times that suited her and gave her the confidence to go to a Sig Skyray and F2D style combat models set up for slow combat with a 25.

A lot of vintage combat planes are very twitchy and delicate compared to the current crop of models but adding a muffler moves the CG forward enough to make it more stable. A Tatone Peace pipe I added to my Fox 36X on my VooDoo which makes it very tame and quite enough for the RC field but you may need to open out the exhaust exit as the old Fox's don't like much backpressure.

A big brass prop nut and low pitch prop should also help you get you back up to speed again.
As I get older I find flying low inverted harder then ever and my balance more of an issue but the rust rubs off with more regular flying.

Good luck!

Regards Gerald

Offline Andre Ming

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« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2023, 06:59:42 AM »
Thanks for some input, Gerald!

Yup... it's a LONG ways from Patootey, OK to New Zealand!

The sleeve/sheath seems to be a pretty good solution. Yesterday I saw a clip on FB of a guy that has a very sophisticated (yet home built) solo launcher that reasonably simulated actual hand launching. It was interesting, but would take more fabrication/etc.

I'll mull over my options as the time nears to consider such.

To use US baseball nomenclature: In the meantime, I've climbed out of the dugout and am looking over my bat selection. Eventually, I'll select my bat... and then I'll head toward the batters box.

I suspect this return will not be rapid. I've given away, or tossed, a LOT of needed stuff in the past couple of years, so convinced I was that I was "done" with C/L.

Really, this "I'm done" brain spasm was very poor logic on my part. Consider that I've been interested (and owned) C/L airplanes beginning about Christmas of '58 or '59... had several ill fated plastic planes before learning to fly in '66, and ever since (off/on) essentially C/L has been a part of my life, even including providing my living for several years. Did I really think I could just decide to end it? Not very smart.

Anyway... the process of looking over supplies options and beginning to order/acquire is slowly beginning to take place.

All fer now.

Searching to find my new place in this hobby!

Offline Andre Ming

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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2023, 11:48:59 AM »
Just an update...

As being discussed in another thread, I have decided to make a go of it.

I have a landing gear equipped Flite Streak that was gifted to me that I have readied for flying.

I have cleaned the McCoy on the Flite Streak and test run it on the bench. Also did the same with a Fox 36 Sport I intend to use on my own Flite Streak I will build "someday".

I have also readied my venerable Demon w/restrictor for when the time comes that I think I'm ready to take that step.

Among the above I have found/purchased some of the immediately needed supplies but few have arrived as yet.

Here in a few I will be making a ground launch stooge.

The future...

There is indeed a process ahead of me in order to get where I want to be.  My hope is that I will at least regain enough skills and be able to hone my reaction time to where I can enjoy flying 110+ MPH vintage combat planes again. Baby steps will get me there, hopefully.

All fer now!

Searching to find my new place in this hobby!
