Classic Designs => Classic Planes => Topic started by: Ty Marcucci on March 10, 2014, 05:55:24 PM

Title: Two destroyed Cavaliers in two months.
Post by: Ty Marcucci on March 10, 2014, 05:55:24 PM
Sheesh, what a bad late winter. Went to Milton Frank Stadium parking lot where we have permission to fly.  I put up two flights with my Miss America painted Cavalier. Full patterns, all trimmed with minor things to adjust.  Ready for third flight and a gust of wind got under the tail, prop gets real short, running in circles, no air born laps. I pulled full down hoping to catch the prop and kill the engine. HA, Prop gets ground off and engine goes to 35,000 rpm, or it sure sounded like it. I have never heard a stunt engine go up like that one. Thank goodness it was An Aero Tiger .36 and no harm They are tough little engines.  However, when the prop broke into several pieces, it cut through the LE, TE and main spar on both wings. I could not believe the damage for a plane that never left the ground. Took it home and disassembled it saving parts.

Then Sunday I was flying my red, orange, white and maroon Cavalier, painted like a Reno racer. Nice flights until the third. I have a problem getting a full third flight it seems. Up wind, inverted and a gust caught it. It literally stopped in mid air. Lines were slack, I even had full down and tried to run back to get tension, but stumbled over my feet in the grass and down it came. Blam, into the wet grass/mud. Broke off the nose, tail and both wings. One thing about Cavaliers, once they crash not much you can do as to repairs. They are very lightly constructed of almost totally 1/16Th balsa. Light, but strong structures, but not crash proof. Well, I guess I best get out my last Cavalier kit, all one thousand toothpicks and get it built. H^^
Title: Re: Two destroyed Cavaliers in two months.
Post by: Dave_Trible on March 10, 2014, 06:00:42 PM
Gee Ty,  sounds like a jinx.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Two destroyed Cavaliers in two months.
Post by: Tom Niebuhr on March 14, 2014, 11:35:54 AM
Elevators in tall buildings omit the 13th floor. You just have to omit the 3rd flight when you fly!
Title: Re: Two destroyed Cavaliers in two months.
Post by: 55chevr on March 14, 2014, 01:41:07 PM
I never say. "One more flight".
Title: Re: Two destroyed Cavaliers in two months.
Post by: Steve Helmick on March 14, 2014, 06:24:32 PM
I never say. "One more flight".

Exactly so. I always fly 3 flights when I go flying, unless I spend plenty of time sitting in the shade and resting, then might fly 6.  Gotta save energy for putting away the safety cones, loading the truck, driving home, and unloading it again. Nap time! Z@@ZZZ  Steve
Title: Re: Two destroyed Cavaliers in two months.
Post by: Bill Little on April 09, 2014, 05:36:43 PM
The main question to ask yourself, Chief, is, "Am I having fun?"  If yes is the answer then you are ship shape.  At the rate you can build, more airplanes will not be a problem!

BIG Bear
Title: Re: Two destroyed Cavaliers in two months.
Post by: billbyles on May 01, 2014, 01:33:18 AM
Right on Bill I didn't "build" either one and one had bad controls in it. No excuse for crashing it, just bad fliying in wind.  I still have 9 on the wall and five in the corner ready to fly and three building.  H^^

And a partridge in a pear tree!