Classic Designs => Classic Planes => Topic started by: Bill Little on September 03, 2007, 05:40:12 PM

Title: The "blind hog" struck again! :)
Post by: Bill Little on September 03, 2007, 05:40:12 PM
Well, I FINALLY got to fly my Werwage Vulcan today!  The old blind hog seems to have grubbed up another acorn. ;D  It flies better than I dreamed it would!

First two flights were short tanked to get the needle, etc. and the third one was a full pattern!  This wekend will be a good trimming session, I hope. ;D  First flights in a long, long time so it was a bit rusty, but the plane turns great, locks into a bottom, had absolutely no tendency to hunt, and has nice tension everywhere, with nothing touched except the needle! 

Aaron said the wing looked a touch down upright and up inverted, so I think the flap alignment is a *little* off.  The outboard flap got broke during finishing and had to be repaired.  Could have ben the horn slightly.  No problems anywhere in the pattern with tension, though!  Third flight was at about 5.2 on 62' E-E, 5% Sig in the Aero Tiger 36 with an 11-4 Bolly.  Going to try the Werwage prop next time out.  To say I am happy with it is a great big understatement!!  I was grinning from ear to ear for 2 hours this afternoon.

We put a new engine in Aaron's Oriental and he had it out for the first time with this set up.  Magnum 36 XLS II, 10-4 three blade Tornado black prop and we found that it need some tail weight.  Just too nose heavy right now.

Going to try to get flights in every week until the Huntersville meet in late October!