Classic Designs => Classic Planes => Topic started by: Bob Zambelli on September 17, 2007, 10:01:36 AM

Title: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Bob Zambelli on September 17, 2007, 10:01:36 AM
A while back I posted this for OTS planes and got some interesting responses.

So, let's try it for CLASSIC!!!

Here’s something to consider – how about a little opinion poll?   

We often talk about favorites - you know, the plane you just like the most, simple as that.

Or we talk about the best flying.

So, let’s launch another topic for CLASSIC Stunt planes only

      What is, in your opinion, the absolute UGLIEST?   
      And, of course, the PRETTIEST? 

Forget flying characteristics – just list the plane or planes that you consider the ugliest and prettiest!!!! Nothing more than eye-appeal, sitting or flying.

No right or wrong answers, no challenges, no debate, just opinions. The plane does not have to belong to you – maybe you saw it at a contest??

   I will start:
In my opinion, the ugliest Classic plane is the Chizler.

Prettiest? For me, it’s the Argus and the elliptical wing NOVI.

Let the fun begin.   

Bob Z
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Randy Powell on September 17, 2007, 10:45:32 AM

Prettiest - the original Novi III

Ugliest - Fierce Arrow
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Kim Mortimore on September 17, 2007, 09:25:49 PM

Prettiest - Larry Scarinzi's Trident (originally U-Name-It)

Ugliest - Ringmaster Imperial

Kim Mortimore
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on September 17, 2007, 10:23:12 PM
OK I'll leave out the Adamisin designs.

Ugliest: Crusader (twin boom)

Prettiest - that's a long list, but here's one of my favorites - Don Bambrick's Fury from 1965.
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Bill Little on September 18, 2007, 07:45:57 AM
Prettiest: Argus

After that, Billy's Ares and almost ALL of the rest I-Beamers! LOL!!!!!!!!

Ugliest?? Haven't a clue.  I like all model airplanes that stunt. ;D  S?P D>K H^^
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Ron King on September 18, 2007, 03:50:37 PM
Prettiest: Almost all of the Detroit style I-beamers, especially the Argus, Cobra, and Ares.

Ugliest: I like most designs, but always thought the Nobler was ugly. I got my rear end whipped by enough of them to form a healthy respect, but I was never a big fan. I built one and am trying to build another, but just cannot get excited about it. Sorry, I'll put my fire suit on.

Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Clint Ormosen on September 20, 2007, 09:07:31 PM

Prettiest:   Electra

Ugliest:     Crusader (but there are lots of OT planes WAY worse than this one)

Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on September 20, 2007, 09:37:05 PM

Prettiest:   Electra

Ugliest:     Crusader (but there are lots of OT planes WAY worse than this one)

CUrious: which Electra? Jerry Worth Electra X-35 or Dick WIlliams' Electra (RSM Kit)
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Tom Niebuhr on September 21, 2007, 09:52:26 AM
I guess all is in the eye of the beholder.

1)Charlie Lickliter's "Ballerina III". I saw it at the 1961 Willow Grove Nats. Although not necessarily the best lines. It has an incredible cockpit, and that beautiful hinge line! That is perhaps the most impressive airplane that I have ever seen.

2)Gialdini's "Sting Ray". I took 2nd to Bob and that airplane in Alton, Illinois,  about 1965. It also had a very nice cockpit.

What a shame, that people today paint on the "cockpit".

Beautiful airplanes like these are "THE REASON" that many of us were attracted to stunt, and a wonderful part of stunt in the US. It is unthinkable that some people want to take this away from our event, and call an ARF equal!!??

Hey I like the boomers, including Charles Mackey's "Crusader".

The "Fierce Arrow" is not pretty, but when I saw a picture of Steve Wooley's "Fierce Arrow" with wheel pants, it became respectable. The "Fierce Arrow 400" is a little better looking.

But the "Ringmaster Imperial"... now that is ugly!!!!

Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: rustler on September 21, 2007, 05:07:41 PM
Prettiest? The colour scheme and finish can have such an influence on this. I've seen ugly and pretty versions of the same design.

Ugliest? My new design which is gradually taking shape. Basically it's just stick all the important bits where they should be, and join them up with straight lines. Definitely not pretty, but hopefully a quick build.
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Clint Ormosen on September 22, 2007, 10:11:41 PM
CUrious: which Electra? Jerry Worth Electra X-35 or Dick WIlliams' Electra (RSM Kit)

Sorry Dennis, I mean Dick Williams' masterpiece.
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Dean Pappas on October 01, 2007, 12:12:51 PM
Hi Gang,
The ugliest Stunt ship has got to be the Bishop. If it isn't Classic just yet, be patient.

take care,
Dean Pappas
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Shultzie on October 24, 2007, 11:41:43 AM
A couple more of my favorites (classics???maybe or maybe not!) Still ahhhhhhsome' and makes me say!! WOW! H^^
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Bill Little on October 25, 2007, 05:44:48 PM
Gotta be one of my all time favorites:  The Man and his '62 Ares!
Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: Bill Little on October 25, 2007, 05:54:27 PM
This one is still my favorite (personal) Classic Plane as far as "Beauty".  Voted the Most Beautiful Stunt plane in the World at the 1960 FAI WCs.  I built it as a tribute to Steve.........  I matched the colors from a piece of silkspan off the real plane.

Title: Re: Prettiest/Ugliest
Post by: raglafart on October 25, 2007, 08:19:18 PM
Guys, ugly is defined by the Coon Dog. An ugly stagerwing box fuselage bipe, but the crusader is a close second!