Classic Designs => Classic Planes => Topic started by: Randy Powell on March 25, 2008, 10:08:36 PM

Title: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on March 25, 2008, 10:08:36 PM
OK, here are a couple of pictures of my less than sterling effort at a canopy and cockpit. One pic has one flap on and the cheek cowls are just taped on and not shaped yet. The cowl is tack glued on and the shaping is just started. The pilot has style, though.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Mark Scarborough on March 25, 2008, 10:47:01 PM
its the return of the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES,, WO HOO,,,,,  hm cant remember is it Donatello?  lookin pretty cool there Randy, Portland is only  like 4 weeks away my friend,, I know I gotta get the hustle on my Ornamental,,,,, y1
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on March 26, 2008, 09:10:12 AM
I'll have you know that the pilot is the one and only Raphael! Took a lot of convincing to get him to go along with the deal. Particularly when he his sitting in slime (though he seems to like it OK). He has the signature, red ninja mask.

Portland will have to do without the Shoe. I suspect it will not be done by then. It will be done for the Regionals. The new PA plane probably won't be done until McMinneville or later. Sigh...

Some much to do. But hey, at least the roof on the shop isn't leaking anymore (for the time being, anyway). And based on the weather, I'd know.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Clint Ormosen on March 26, 2008, 09:54:24 AM
Boy Randy, you sure do move fast on these planes. It looks awesome though. I'd like to come up to the Regionals just to see it. Keep posting the pics please.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on March 26, 2008, 10:31:50 AM
Thanks, Clint. There's a lot to do yet. Should be done by the Regionals. I hope to finish it up and be ready to start the finish this weekend. Could be done for the Jim Walker contest the end of April, but unlikely.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Shultzie on March 26, 2008, 10:36:05 AM
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Bill Little on March 26, 2008, 10:58:51 AM
Hi Randy

I love the workmanship shown!  With the engine you have chosen, it should be miles ahead of the old one. y1
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on March 26, 2008, 05:06:42 PM
Heck, Bill, just a consistent engine run will put it miles ahead of the last one.

The previous plane really flew quite well the few times I got a decent engine run out of it. That's why I built another. Though I suppose this one won't really compare. The last one was built exactly according to the Flying Models plans. It was a strange airfoil, but I didn't know any better at the time. This one uses a Skylark root and tip rib for the wing (as per Bob Hunt) and is closer to the original plane. The canopy is a bit of artistic license. The shape, height and such are the same as the original (the canopy profile remains stock). I just pushed the back rest aft to expose more canopy in order for it to look like the real plane that the paint scheme will model. I have to admit I think it looks cooler, but the motivation was to set it up so that it resembled the real plane (the Shoestring "Spud Runner"). I still have to solve the slime on the cockpit floor issue, but I keep hoping that the glue will completely dry (it's supposed to dry clear) and so, the problem solves itself. Guess we'll see. If I get down to the wire and need to start the finish and it's still a slimey looking white and clear color, I guess I'll have to do something with it.

More block shaping tonight along with finishing the other flap---

Tip - I was building the flaps (oddly, it only took two tries to get two flaps that I was willing to use). This is the first time that I built the hinge pockets before actually building the flaps. After a try at built up flaps ... again (that ended up looking like a pretzel - I don't know why I keep trying to use built up flaps when the original had 1/4" sheet flaps), I actually cut the flaps out of 5/16" sheet. Once the plan view shape was cut out, but no shaping done, I used a trick hinge pocket maker I got from Derek Moran that includes a slick stand he made. I cut the hinge pockets in with the cutter, then cut a recess for the hinge barrel (carefully) then proceeded to shape the flap. I discovered a bit back that it's easier to use thicker material than called for on the plan, then just plane the flap down to the required 1/4" thickness. It allows a bit of wiggle room when you are using a plane to cut in the taper and take the surface down. Anyway, it's much easier to put the hinge pockets and barrel recess in before messing with shaping the things. They came out much straighter and the hinge pockets are actually aligned resonably.

Other's have probably done it this way forever, but it was a new approach to me and it worked well. I'll do it this way in the future. For frame flaps (open bays with ribs), I've always built the hinge pockets into the leading edge of the flap before framing up the actual flaps, just like I do the wing, but I guess it never occured to me to do the same with the flaps. Hmmm....
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Shultzie on March 26, 2008, 06:52:12 PM
Great looking model and may the "GODS OF PAINT" be with you...and yers' LL~
Attached the old photos that I took at the nats.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on March 26, 2008, 10:32:59 PM
Bill had more patience than I do. Man, look at all those little silver dots. Yikes!

Got the canopy finish sanded (more or less 0 probably keep playing with it) tonight, got the cowl mostly rough shaped and the outboard flap done. I also decided that the cheek cowls needed a bit more wood on the inside so I cut some triangle stock to reinforce the corners. May be able to carve them back out if the shaping doesn't need it, but better to have it and not need it....

This is the stage where it's easy to gain weight, so I'm trying to be careful with the details.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Shultzie on March 27, 2008, 12:43:09 PM
I like the "Red Rippers" Fighting 11 (VF11) USS Intrepid WW2, Navy squadron insiginia on the tail. H^^

Very interesting web site at:
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: steve pagano on March 27, 2008, 01:49:00 PM
Randy did you tint the canopy your self ? if so how would one go about doing so?

Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Leo Mehl on March 27, 2008, 03:19:26 PM
OK, here are a couple of pictures of my less than sterling effort at a canopy and cockpit. One pic has one flap on and the cheek cowls are just taped on and not shaped yet. The cowl is tack glued on and the shaping is just started. The pilot has style, though.

I would hate to think how many planes you could build if you were retired. Looks nice Randy and how many planes does that make in your fleet. I gotta say you must be makin a lot more money than me or so it seems. Do you store these in a room or the garage.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on March 27, 2008, 03:28:12 PM

Yea, dyed with RIT and a bit of salt. It's a Sig canopy so it's not PET-G. Takes dye fine.


Not as many as you would think. A lot that need repair, that's certain. They are stored in a rack in the gables of the shop.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Mark Scarborough on March 27, 2008, 04:39:00 PM
Leo, some have found homes in other peoples abodes as well, through Randys good heart I have a couple spare planes now in my fleet!
The beautifull Freelancer,, one of the Heretic's, and Pats full fuse P-40 with my Saito 56 in it
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: wwwarbird on March 27, 2008, 07:16:38 PM

 The piece count on your models always blows me away. Do you have a group of kidnapped elves or something that work day and night making parts? Beautiful stuff, but I just dont see how you can cut, sand and fit all those pieces and yet build as quickly as you do-amazing! y1
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on March 27, 2008, 10:24:33 PM
>>but I just dont see how you can cut, sand and fit all those pieces <<

I have a system. It's not very hard but somewhat tedious. I built the wing for the Shoe in 3 evenings about (while kibitzing about working on other stuff). It looks complicated, but it's really not once you get the drill down. Makes for a light, straight wing, though.


I have a new elliptical job on the board, but I have to clear out some other projects first. I really want to get the current PA plane done, too.

So many planes, so little time.    ;D

By the way, got the cheek cowls done and glued on tonight along with the flap fairings and the final shaping for the cowl. Got the engine cleaned up (a loose muffler at VSC left a mess on the muffler and head). The engine is bolted in and I just have to hollow the cowl and make the fittings for it along with building a tank and venting it then it's ready to start the finish.

The kid is off to college on Sunday. We are taking him down for check in at housing so time this weekend will be limited. But I should be ready to do final sanding and start the finish sometime this weekend.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Clint Ormosen on March 28, 2008, 10:20:03 AM
It's inconceivable to me how you could possibly be ready to start the finish already. Seems like you only started the model about 10 days ago. Man, you're speedy!

Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on March 28, 2008, 11:09:40 AM

I'll post a couple of pictures after I get the cowl finished up and put the plane together to test fits and such. If everthing works out, I should be able to start finishing it as soon as the weather clears a bit.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on March 29, 2008, 01:43:04 PM
The Shoe is on hold for a bit. I'm going to be out of town for a week or so.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 05, 2008, 08:32:18 PM
Well, I'm back at it. Should have it ready for finish tomorrow. I hope.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 06, 2008, 08:05:25 PM
OK, here's a couple of pics. It's done, more or less. I just built the tank and put it together and weighed it. 35oz ready to fly, so I'm in there as far as weight. Not a feather, but well within the planned weight.

Just need to put the vents for the tank in and a bit of cleanup and it's ready to finish. And I know that one wheel pant is lower than the other. Already fixed. Can't believe I missed it the first time. The wheel pants and cowl have been glassed and are setting up. Lot of sanding to do, that's certain.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 06, 2008, 08:31:21 PM
Sorry Ty, the paint scheme is all picked out. Hope to start finishing it in the next few days. I have to build a tank for my PA plane first, then it's off to the races.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Mark Scarborough on April 07, 2008, 09:10:32 AM
"off to the races" shoestring,, hmm yeah I get it, ,even if you didnt mean it, lol
lookin nice Randy, cant wait to see this one too! so are you painting this and the PA plane at the same time then?>
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Shultzie on April 07, 2008, 09:53:50 AM
WOW!  H^^
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 07, 2008, 11:05:02 PM

I didn't see it. Hmmm...   I have some .008 6x12 tin stock that I'm using. Wish I could get more, but haven't been able to find a source. I got what I have online, but I can't for the life of me find it again. Sigh...
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Greg L Bahrman on April 10, 2008, 09:25:01 PM
Check out ........K & S Metals

STOCK NO. 254,  .008 Sheet Metal, Tin 
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 10, 2008, 10:47:55 PM
Thanks, Greg. I'll look.

The Shoe had to take a break. I built a new tank for my PA plane tonight. Unforturnately, I can't measure and the front of it is maybe a 64th inch too wide. So I will either have to make another, or modify it to fit. But it should be big enough. It's 2.5" x 1.25" x 4.65" . Should finally be big enough anyway.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Bill Little on April 11, 2008, 11:08:11 AM
A judicious application of a 16 oz., ball peen hammer will easily take care of 1/64th" in width!   y1   :##
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 11, 2008, 11:41:49 AM

Yea, I messed with it some more and it fits. It's a tight fit and I'm afraid it will cause the former to pull away. So I'll work on it some more tonight. I didn't account for the slight taper toward the nose. It fits fine at the rear with about a 1/16" clearance, but it's a snug fit at the front. So some sanding to the compartment and a little judicious grinding and tapping to the tank should fix it. Now, I just have to come up with a hold down for the front. Won't take much, that's certain.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Mark Scarborough on April 11, 2008, 11:42:25 AM
so thats like what about 8 oz Randy? converting to a twin maybe lol
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Chris McMillin on April 11, 2008, 12:00:24 PM
I was thinking of buying Spud Runner from Dave Morss once, but I think the pure hideousness of the paint scheme kept me from it. I couldn't even think straight enough to remember I could repaint it...
...Bill Simons had it right, and that is how I would have painted the airplane. Just think, a full sized airplane painted like a model!
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 11, 2008, 03:26:15 PM

Well, I had a 6.5oz tank and ran out of fuel in the overheads...


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like the red and yellow paint scheme. I thought the chartreuse and red No.16 was absolutely hideous. Possibly the ugliest paint scheme in the history of aircraft. To each, his own, I guess.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Chris McMillin on April 11, 2008, 06:50:01 PM


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like the red and yellow paint scheme. I thought the chartreuse and red No.16 was absolutely hideous. Possibly the ugliest paint scheme in the history of aircraft. To each, his own, I guess.

So true, so true. You might check the new DHL scheme for most hideous!
I like the profile of the cowling and canopy on this one a lot, BTW.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 12, 2008, 12:11:56 AM

Yea, the profile is the same, I just moved the rear of the canopy line back to more closely resemble the real plane.

But I think I'll leave the potatoes off the rudder
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: John Miller on April 12, 2008, 11:36:54 AM
Potatos and aircraft. It reminds me of a true story about a 180 pilot in Alaska being shot down by a potato. Ask me about it when we're havung breakfast during the Regionals. It's a riot. LL~ LL~ H^^
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Mark Scarborough on April 12, 2008, 12:51:37 PM
John, speaking of, are we gonna keep our breakfast spot a secret this year?
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 12, 2008, 11:09:58 PM

I'm sure we'll fine another one if Nancy's gets too crowded.  :)

BTW, I flew the PA plane today. The tank, as it turns out, is about 7 1/8 oz. And it needed it all. I'm getting about 8 laps after the clover. Man, I'd better not get a rich run.

The Shoe got the first coat of clear on the airframe tonight after grinding off the wheel pants (fiberglassed) and finish sanding the airframe. Fun stuff.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: John Miller on April 14, 2008, 12:11:54 PM
Well, I was not going to let the "cat out of the bag", but now that Randy already did it, It might not be so bad to fill the place up with modelors at breakfast. y1

Randy, are you sure you're not leaking fuel into the fuse? That's a lot of fuel to burn..... S?P

The planes lookin' good.

We are trying to finish up the Pathfinders soon, so we can get them trimmed out for the Regionals. Mine seems to be getting heavier than I wanted at this point. I might have to do a real simple finish on it to avoid too much paint weight gain.

Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Mark Scarborough on April 14, 2008, 02:31:02 PM
John, as long as it doesnt keep us from getting breakfast, in fact, let em all come, ,30 minutes after us so we can practice while they are eating!
as for the pathfinder, do like Pat must,, pump the wing full of helium, or maybe its just the lighter Boise air?
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 14, 2008, 03:10:12 PM

Nope, no hole in the tank, but man that engine can suck fuel. 7 1/8oz for a 46? Yikes!  I may go back to the .40 just on fuel economy.

Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: RC Storick on April 14, 2008, 03:18:49 PM
I really like this one! great job Randy
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Bill Little on April 15, 2008, 07:38:01 AM

Nope, no hole in the tank, but man that engine can suck fuel. 7 1/8oz for a 46? Yikes!  I may go back to the .40 just on fuel economy.

Hi Randy,

What engine are you using that uses 7+ oz. for the pattern??   A 1.20??

 ???  ???
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 15, 2008, 03:10:01 PM

Thanks. I like it too. Should be a good flier.


It's a Tom Lay prepared OS46VF. It has a .275 venturi. Not sure what's going on, but the thing produces a ton of power. It's spinning a 12.5 x 4.25 three blade prop without a problem and has really good power in the overheads and above 45 degrees. I'm not complaining about it.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Bill Little on April 15, 2008, 07:32:41 PM

Thanks. I like it too. Should be a good flier.


It's a Tom Lay prepared OS46VF. It has a .275 venturi. Not sure what's going on, but the thing produces a ton of power. It's spinning a 12.5 x 4.25 three blade prop without a problem and has really good power in the overheads and above 45 degrees. I'm not complaining about it.

WOW!  Unknown to me, but as long as it works! y1
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 15, 2008, 09:56:22 PM

Yea, I figure if it sucking that much fuel, it must be doing something with it.   ;D

Started covering the Shoestring tonight. Hopefully I can have that part done in a couple of days and get to clear and filler coat by the weekend. While it won't be done for the first contest, it should make the Northwest Regionals.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 20, 2008, 11:17:41 AM
OK, we are making progress. The thing is covered and has 3 coats of unthinned clear on it. Just need to sand today and shoot it with primer (that I still need to mix up). Hopefully that will be done today. Then more sanding and I should be ready for color by the middle of the week. Hopefully.  I'll post some pictures after it's sanded and before the primer just for giggles.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Clint Ormosen on April 20, 2008, 11:35:21 AM
  I'll post some pictures after it's sanded and before the primer just for giggles.

*tapping foot, waiting patiently*

Well it's about time for more pics. Sometimes I wish you live just down the street so I could pop in and see it myself. H^^

Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 20, 2008, 07:00:18 PM

Yea, me too. Well, I got it sanded but turns out another coat of clear was in order. Sigh. Let it dry and then the fillets. Whoops. Almost forgot those. THEN the primer. So I'll probably be sanding primer next weekend. Oh joy!

I'll post some pics later in the week after I get the fillets on.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 28, 2008, 03:26:52 PM
Well, something very dangerious has happened. The plane is sitting in primer, about ready to sand and I've been thinking about paint schemes. I suppose I'm just a glutton for punishment, but I've had some thoughts about the scheme for this plane and started sketching some ideas to, uh, modify my original plan (beyond all recognition). Uh oh, Randy is going to get crazy again. Maybe something with checkerboard. Streatched and twisted. And red, yellow and white. And swoopy! Yea, that's the ticket.

May the gods of painting forgive me.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Mark Scarborough on April 28, 2008, 03:43:12 PM
RANDY, didnt you just this morning make a post about needing to think in terms of simple attractive schemes (on my oriental thread) yeah thats what I thought!  I really wanted to go nuts on this one but its purpose in life is again to be disposable with little emotion,, so the killer paint will wait, the 109 is about ready to feel the soft caress of 400 grit in prep for paint. And while its not extravegant, its involved.
in all seriousness, I always look forward to your schemes Randy they are without fail, different and attractive, now if I could get you to use what you know and quit experimenting  HB~> n1 LL~ LL~
of course the theory is your planes last longer than mine, so,, I guess its justified right?
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 28, 2008, 04:41:22 PM
Yea, theory is just that. Yea, I'm vacillating between a really cool scheme I had an idea for and something very simple (and scale). It's a time factor, really. I'd like to have it done for the Regionals. Guess we'll see.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on April 28, 2008, 05:59:53 PM
K.I.S.S.  !
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 29, 2008, 08:47:18 AM

We'll see. If I have the time, I may go with something more interesting. But truth is, I may just go simple.

I did discover something that I will use in the future. I had shot primer on the plane, but I felt it was kinda thin. So I mixed up some more and shot a second coat. Interesting part is. The gray of the first coat was quite a bit darker than the gray of the second. Consequently, when I started sanding last night, I discovered that as the primer came off, the low spots were highlight with the lighter gray primer. Very easy to see. It's a pretty neat trick. It will allow me to go back and hit those spots again when I'm done sanding. They really stand out.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on April 29, 2008, 10:34:17 AM
I remember that Bill's Shoestring what really set it off was the rivet work on top of a pretty simple color scheme.  The sure bet is that whatever you decide its going to look great.  Interesting note on the primer...
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Bill Little on April 29, 2008, 12:26:51 PM
Hi Randy,

I know you have used that trick (different colors when sanding) before............ ;D

I am really looking forward to seeing this model when finished!

Bill <><
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 29, 2008, 04:00:01 PM

Well, I layed the primer on so thick that I will be awhile sanding. Took two hours last night just to get the flaps done. I feel like I'm sitting in a sandbox full of powdered filler already and I haven't even started the main airframe yet.

I've decided to go with a compromise on the paint scheme. I'm going to use the scale-like scheme with a few flourshes. I don't suppose a bit of checkerboard will hurt it.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Leo Mehl on April 29, 2008, 06:22:32 PM

Nope, no hole in the tank, but man that engine can suck fuel. 7 1/8oz for a 46? Yikes!  I may go back to the .40 just on fuel economy.

A 46 what. OS, st orwhatever. HB~>
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Bill Little on April 30, 2008, 07:19:09 AM
A 46 what. OS, st orwhatever. HB~>

Hi Brother Leo,

Until Randy gets here, I will tell you what he told me: 

It's an OS 46VF, set up by Tom Lay, on pipe.

Bill <><
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on April 30, 2008, 10:10:51 AM

Yea, that's it. I took it apart the other night and put in a slightly smaller venturi (from a .275 to a .270) and put a filter on ... and lost almost an ounce to get 6:30 flight. The first flight with the setup ran over 8 minutes! So I backed off to 6oz and got about 6:30 out of it. Hmm ... That is odd. But still seems to have plenty of power.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Leo Mehl on May 02, 2008, 09:44:34 AM
John, as long as it doesnt keep us from getting breakfast, in fact, let em all come, ,30 minutes after us so we can practice while they are eating!
as for the pathfinder, do like Pat must,, pump the wing full of helium, or maybe its just the lighter Boise air?
Mark, Mark, Mark,you know that boisw aire may be lighter but it iis also thinner which results in less lift. You know where the lifting hot air comes from.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Mark Scarborough on May 02, 2008, 10:20:50 AM
Yeah Leo, I do, I sure do,, some old short guy who keeps talkin all the time, thats where the hot air comes from  LL~ LL~
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on May 02, 2008, 11:11:40 AM
I think you asked for that one, Leo.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Steve Helmick on May 02, 2008, 10:45:53 PM
This .46VF is the one you were wondering about the funny bearing noise? And the fuel consumption is that high? I'd call PW and ask for his advise, but maybe the high fuel burn is from the bearing being bad? That's supposed to be a clue, but I really don't understand why bad bearings cause radically low MPG. Even new parts can be bad. ??? Steve
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Mark Scarborough on May 02, 2008, 10:50:45 PM
I think in some cases the bearings leak fuel forward maybe? not sure they could leak enough to create Randys fuel crisis though
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on May 03, 2008, 09:05:33 AM

The noise went away. The engine had sat for a long time in the box. Maybe 3 years before I pulled it out to try it at the end of last year. Then it sat again all winter. Could just be excess gunk in the low end. At any rate, it seems fine now. The bearing always felt free, it was just the noise. I noted that the slight change in venturi and a filter seems to have had a large change in fuel mileage. At any rate, we are flying tomorrow at the Narrows, weather permitting, and I'll get a chance to do some more experimentation. Sure like the power output.

BTW, the primer is almost sanded. One wing surface and the open bays on one other then I can clean up the foot of dust on the shop floor, wipe down and shoot a clear seal coat. Hope to shoot some base color tomorrow.
Title: Re: New Shoe
Post by: Randy Powell on May 03, 2008, 07:15:50 PM
OK, it's ready for color. As soon as I get rotator cuff and Tommy John surgery to repair my arm from all the sanding, I'll shoot the base coat. Man, is my arm tired.