Classic Designs => Classic Planes => Topic started by: Bill Little on June 22, 2007, 06:32:57 PM

Title: Jack's "Shiek"
Post by: Bill Little on June 22, 2007, 06:32:57 PM
How about Jack Sheek's Shiek??  (say that threee times fast with a mouth full of crackers! LOL!!)  Who's built one?  It is one of Jack's more "unusual" designs.  "Bent wing" (Corsair style)  I-Beam, tricycle gear, bubble canopy and twin rudders on a V tail, IIRC.
Title: Re: Jack's "Shiek"
Post by: Shultzie on June 22, 2007, 06:49:01 PM
I have a slide of that one somewhere...also have the article. I will try to dig it out of the woodwork this weekend.
Title: Re: Jack's "Shiek"
Post by: Willis Swindell on June 22, 2007, 07:55:28 PM
Bill I saw one at Brodaks a few years ago.
Title: Re: Jack's "Shiek"
Post by: Bill Little on June 22, 2007, 11:52:50 PM
Thanks, guys.  I have the plans and article, just have never seen one in person or heard how they fly.  It is "different"! y1
Title: Re: Jack's "Shiek"
Post by: Jim Pollock on June 24, 2007, 07:07:20 PM

I was at Bordak's in 03 and didn't see that plane.  Of course it's pretty hard to see everything
there.  The person standing to the right looks like a fairly young Dave Reyes.  But alas, Dave's
just not that young anymore.  Dave does like buiding Jack's planes.  He was about done with
his Knight before I left N. Virginia.

Jim Pollock   ;D 8)
Title: Re: Jack's "Shiek"
Post by: L0U CRANE on June 25, 2007, 05:52:04 PM

I built one many years ago, the first one to appear at a VSC, btw. Hadn't flown it before the VSC, so waited 'til flying was over. Got flustered, and checked up and down by the flaps, since the elevators weren't visible behind the fins. Had an exciting attempt at takeoff, then a very quick 185° wingover when I thought, "maybe the controls are backwards..." I'd have caught up with it if I had another 5° or 10°... (Sounds good anyway...)

It was finished per the scheme and colors of Jack's published model... Rebuilt it, but had no time to get it in the air before the un-plasticized Aero Gloss started splitting the silkspan. Still have it, and might refinish it some day, but matching the Aero Gloss colors won't be easy, without quite a weight gain.

Two things to consider:

The linkage to the anhedral flaps and dihedral elevators is a challenge. What I did was to work out the aft pushrod first, then add a connect to the bellcrank. Say, what? Single pushrod, forked to each of two flap horns at the front and to each of two elevator horns at the rear. The pushrod had the horn fork "tines" wire wrapped and soldered on, and it projected a bit forward of the flap horns to pick up a pushrod from the bellcrank. Get the pushrod working free and equal, and the problems are solved.

Second: In the mag article, Jack mentions that he had to raise the leadouts 1/2" to get it to fly level. I considered that, and jigged the outboard -dihedraled - wing panels 1/2" higher so the leadouts would come out the center of the tip. This is easy enough to do: First, cut the I-Beam spar to suit, instead of as on the plans, then just shift the LE, spar and TE holes on the tip blanks to suit, before dropping the ribs in.

I don't consider this changing the design, as Jack had to do it before the plans were published. Just that he had to scab on a raised leadout location.

A few Shieks turned up at various VSC, and flew quite well. I think it was Bob Brookins who lost a truly gorgeously finished Shiek at Tucson a few years back.

BTW, the year after I showed, but didn't fly, my initial Shiek, there were FOUR Shieks (phonetically, anyway) at the VSC. Can't recall who brought one, but Gary Marchand had another one, with a pilot figure with Arab head-dress (a shiek, IOW) to make three. Jack Sheeks was also there, ergo: FOUR.
Title: Re: Jack's "Shiek"
Post by: Shultzie on June 25, 2007, 07:36:57 PM
Bill I saw one at Brodaks a few years ago.
Here is another one.....
Title: Re: Jack's "Shiek"
Post by: L0U CRANE on June 26, 2007, 02:39:57 AM
NB Bill -

That's mine!

I forgot that the wing and tail swoopies had Curtiss Blue interior shapes... The lettering was letra-set type rub-ons with dots, underlines and swirls to look a bit more like Arabic script. ...Even painted the spinner the same basic lightened metallic AG blue.

Title: Re: Jack's "Shiek"
Post by: Bill Little on June 28, 2007, 08:37:03 AM
Thanks for all the information, Lou. ;D  It is an unusual design for sure. y1

How did yours fly?  Any particular quirks to it?