Classic Designs > Classic Planes

Green Box '57 Nobler plans

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Bill Little:

--- Quote from: Jim Pollock on February 13, 2007, 08:17:44 PM ---Hi Bill,

I guess you know I told Allen that he could obtain those plans from Tom Dixon over on the SSW board?
I have 'em too.  However, I can't let go of them, or even get them copied aroud here now.

Regards from the 'bama boys.  Hope it don't rain too much over there tonight, or produce any of those nasty supercell thunderstoms.

Jim Pollock   H^^

--- End quote ---

Hi Jim,

Missed the SSW post, sorry.  Didn't get mine from Tom, though!  CAD and all, very nice!

We are flooding now, been raining heavy since mid afternoon.......... probably rain heavy until the morning sometime!  Praying the T-Storms don't develope, they can get really nasty around here, real quick. :(

Bill <><

Randy Powell:

Yea, around here it's pouring like a waterfall outside. But while snow is horrible in this area, rain's not a big deal. The drains ditches tend to be very deep and the culvert very big.  :)


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