Classic Designs => Classic Planes => Topic started by: Ty Marcucci on October 02, 2010, 09:19:22 PM

Title: finally got to fly it today.
Post by: Ty Marcucci on October 02, 2010, 09:19:22 PM
Well, I flew my new Cavalier today. Slightly tail heavy, fixed that.  I had to replace the landing gear also as the first set sat too far aft and the plane landed "funny".  5.2 second laps@ 10,000, 10/22 with an 11 x 5 power prop cut down from an 12. x 5.  62 eye to eye .015 lines.  I hate first flights over asphalt, but with baseball seaon over for minor leagues, I got to put in a few flights at the local stadium parking lot.  Thanks to Jim Howell for pitting all morning.

Meanwhile 500 empty, unused, bare, soccer fields just sitting there and the parks people chase us off.
Title: Re: finally got to fly it today.
Post by: wwwarbird on October 02, 2010, 09:42:41 PM
 What engine are you using Ty?
Title: Re: finally got to fly it today.
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on October 03, 2010, 09:34:22 AM
T'rrific!  Congrats on the (another) new bird.  While you are at it try testing the other 1/2 dozen that are waiting to fly!
Title: Re: finally got to fly it today.
Post by: wwwarbird on October 03, 2010, 11:16:58 PM
The OS .46 LA-S.  Great engine for the price and have never had any problems with them I didn't cause. H^^

 Ha! Ditto that one Ty. Have fun with the new plane! y1