The article for the M.A.N. plans calls for balancing right on the spar, There are three different versions of this airplane and the story has been recounted on the forum before. Ed designed the model at one size, solld the rights to M.A.N. to publish and also to Sterling to kit it. The hsort story is that the model size got reduced much to ed's displeasure. I innocently asked Ed about the hiustory of the design when I got to meet him at VSC in the early 90's, and it was something that still bothered him deeply and I learned to not ask about that again. Kenn Smith kitted the airplane and Ed helped Boill Byles draw accurate plans for the Skylark and the eliptical wing version called The Lark. These models are larger that the Sterling version and I think there is a difference between the magazine plan and the Sterling kit, like there often was with kits in those days. RSM sells a kit that has accurate plans and parts to let you build any of these versions, I do believe. But the short answer to your question is balancing it right on the spar will get you started.
Have fun!!
Type at you later,
Dan McEntee