Classic Designs > Classic Planes

Classic models from Black Hawk Models

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Custom Special designed by Walt Musciano. Laser cut kit with extra parts that allow you to customize it the way you like it. Wing span 24" Engine .09 to .15.

Robert McHam:
Very nice!


dennis lipsett:

--- Quote from: LARRY RICE on January 05, 2007, 03:29:04 PM ---Custom Special designed by Walt Musciano. Laser cut kit with extra parts that allow you to customize it the way you like it. Wing span 24" Engine .09 to .15.

--- End quote ---

You need the decal sheet that they used to include in the kit. Real 60's stuff, flaming skulls, flames and I forget the rest of it. The plan if I remembere correctly had a few customiuzing options. Do remember the extra fins that they had on the stab. At any rate we had one, used it to try out a few motors and I do remember flying it with a Cub 14. Not a world beater but fun.

Robert McHam:
Mr. Lipsett, Larry mentions the "extra parts" that allow customization. The decals might be a problem from what I have heard about other models. Boy wouldn't it be nice to have a set like the one you describe?


On the kit decals we have a flaming skull and a few other period decals. The kit decals is a large sheet with several options on it. We do NOT copy the Scientific decals because they are protected by a copyright abd while there so other people producing and selling them we will not. We are the second largest producer of control line model kits and the largest producer of Walt Musciano kits in the world so we have to much to loose by violating a copyright.
         Our kit has a sheet of wood for "Sport" fins and a full size pattern sheet so that you may chose the ones you want to use and cut them out, we also include the two different rudders and single and double landing gear. We altered the fuselage by molding the canopy into it and changed the way the landing gear is attached. To view how the fins look on the model you can go to my web site, go to Mucsiano kits, click on the "Custom Special" and on to the customer models. Henry Werner of "Virginia Hobbysport" entered one in a Musciano contest.
         We flew our test model on a .09 OK engine. It flew great even though the engine did not want to perform well. We list the kit at $49.50 plus $4.00 shipping but you can get a discount at either Vieginia Hobbyspotr or Sam's Stuff. I think that it is a good deal and a great flying plane. We promote it as a good first build up model for the trainee.


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