Classic Designs => Classic Planes => Topic started by: Larry Renger on August 29, 2012, 07:23:06 PM

Title: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Larry Renger on August 29, 2012, 07:23:06 PM
The Flite Streak Jr. and Ringmaster Jr. are awfully small by modern standards, as is the Magician .15 and its Midwest bretherin.  What is out there that I should consider?  Especially if it is available in a modern kit?  There was a rumor that Brodak was going to do the Jr. Nobler, but if so, I can't find it on his website.
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: tom brightbill on August 29, 2012, 09:39:01 PM
How about the Shark 15 for something different?
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Trostle on August 30, 2012, 12:58:36 AM
How about Dale Kirn's Zeroette?  Dale did this for monoline with an .09, recommended a .19 if flown on two lines.  But the thing only had a 36" span, just less than 250 sq in.  Not much bigger than a nice sized 1/2A stunt ship.  Good moments, good airfoil, nice looking airplane.  No flaps  Built light, and the construction should build light, with a good .09/.10 should make a nice combination.  This is one of those bucket list things for me.  When I get about 6 other stunt ships built, I would like to do this.  American Modeler, May, 58.  AMA  does not show this on their plans list, but they can copy the magazine plans and they do a very good job with that.  I can scan the mag plans if you want.  They are in the Morris Classic listings.
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on August 30, 2012, 07:09:15 AM
How about a Mackey Hummingbird?  The plans even show an optional "thick" airfoil for stunt.

I agree with Keith about the Zeroette too - sleek looking bird, I'd pass on the monoline tho..!
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Trostle on August 30, 2012, 10:15:17 AM

The more I think about that Kirn Zeroette, and put something like a TD .09 on the front of it, you would have a really fun flying package.  It should present the AMA pattern very well.
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: rustler on August 30, 2012, 02:48:22 PM
The 42" full size Flite Streak takes a .15 quite well. Not sure if you'd call it a stunter though.
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Larry Renger on August 31, 2012, 11:04:29 AM
I have had three Shark .15s, and it is an excellent plane (l learned the pattern on the first one, with a Fox .15 on it!).  However I would prefer a full fuselage model.
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Dennis Saydak on August 31, 2012, 05:19:52 PM
A real sleeper is L.Skarinzi's Lil Dynamite. It is a full pattern stunter (no flaps) and cute to boot. I build two of them back in the 60s and powered mine with an OS sandcast .15.  I was impressed with this design after I saw two others fly locally. It's a relatively easy build.
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Bill Little on September 01, 2012, 03:14:09 PM
I have had three Shark .15s, and it is an excellent plane (l learned the pattern on the first one, with a Fox .15 on it!).  However I would prefer a full fuselage model.

HI Larry,

I just remembered that somewhere around here I have a set of plans for a Mini Shark with full fuselage.  Perfect size for a .15.  "Currell Patie" offered some small plane plans back on SSW several years ago.  I got one of each he had.  Not sure of the publication date. ???

A scratch built Berkeley Daze would be good.  It is a profile but has an upright engine installation. ("For Combat and Stunt")

BIG Bear
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Dennis Holler on September 01, 2012, 06:09:58 PM
I keep looking at the Wee Duper Zilch that Mr. Umland has a short kit for.  It looks really neat...You know when the neat factor is high LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Bill Little on September 01, 2012, 06:31:39 PM
I keep looking at the Wee Duper Zilch that Mr. Umland has a short kit for.  It looks really neat...You know when the neat factor is high LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~

The WDZ is a very good flying model.  It is also legal for OTS!  I plan on using an older model OS .10S (looks like a miniature OS .35S!) and an engine around that size is great for the WDZ.

Denny Adamisin has a great looking electric version.  It has a good airfoil and builds light.  I can't wait to get on to building mine!

BIG Bear
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Larry Renger on September 02, 2012, 11:49:22 PM
I actually have Walter's WDZ kit, and intend to build it for OTS with a Cub .074 Diesel for power (PAW .09 as a backup, just in case).

I want a separate, somewhat larger plane for Classic.  Anyone got a Jr. Nobler kit to sell or lend? Or a good source for plans with part drawings?
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: John Miller on September 03, 2012, 08:58:02 PM
I actually have Walter's WDZ kit, and intend to build it for OTS with a Cub .074 Diesel for power (PAW .09 as a backup, just in case).

I want a separate, somewhat larger plane for Classic.  Anyone got a Jr. Nobler kit to sell or lend? Or a good source for plans with part drawings?

Larry, and others, who enjoy the smaller designs, watch Brodak closely.
Before I tried to see how much electricity I could process through my body, I converted a bunch of older designs to Cad For John B. This included the Jr. Nobler, the Peacemaker, and the Shark .15.
There are at least 4 addtional designs, 2 of which are mine.
Brodak may be willing to sell the plans only, for those who cannot wait.    
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Trostle on September 03, 2012, 09:33:29 PM
John, is that you?
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: John Miller on September 03, 2012, 11:06:44 PM
Hi Kieth, yes, it is I. I'm happy to be able to tell you that I'll be leaving the hospital in 6 days. #^ #^
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Bootlegger on September 04, 2012, 05:10:34 AM

  John, we sure are GLAD that you are checkin out of the horsepital.  Congrat's  and continue to improve..
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: john e. holliday on September 04, 2012, 09:08:09 AM
Hey Big John, that is great news.   I know I haven't kept in touch like I should, but take care of your self now.
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Bill Little on September 04, 2012, 09:24:54 AM
Larry, and others, who enjoy the smaller designs, watch Brodak closely.
Before I tried to see how much electricity I could process through my body, I converted a bunch of older designs to Cad For John B. This included the Jr. Nobler, the Peacemaker, and the Shark .15.
There are at least 4 addtional designs, 2 of which are mine.
Brodak may be willing to sell the plans only, for those who cannot wait.    

HI Brother John!

That is GREAT NEWS that you are getting out in 6 days!  If I could get there I would throw you a coming home party!  I am truly happy to hear it.

I saw that Brodak lists the Jr. Nobler Landing Gear in their catalog.  I believe that built lightly, an OS .10FP would be plenty.

Keep on keepin' on!

Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Larry Renger on September 04, 2012, 11:03:32 AM
Excellent news on your upcoming release!  Doin' that kind of time is NOT a good thing. The other type ain't so hot either, I hear tell.  :##

Thanks for the info on the Jr. Nobler and other models.  I'll keep checking the website.
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: PerttiMe on September 04, 2012, 12:48:35 PM
One of the nicer looking small stunt ships that I recall seeing is the Australian Montgomery Models Stiletto (not related to the famous Stiletto). From mid 1950's, I'm told.

(there's a few other plans in that forum thread too)
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: jjorgensen on September 04, 2012, 06:59:25 PM
I just finished an electric version of the Jr. Nobler that I posted on the all amped up forum. It flies so well I now want to build a full size nobler.
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Larry Renger on September 07, 2012, 11:07:24 AM
John, I just ordered the Jr. Nobler, Brodak now has it listed! I intend to put my Medallion .15 in it.  #^

Also, Keith T. is sending me plans to the Kirn Zeroette, which I may build with a PAW .15 diesel and monoline control (who me? Odd?)  :##
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Jim Thomerson on September 14, 2012, 05:50:28 PM
There was a neat little airplane, the Coquette, for McCoy 09 diesel.  I have Little Dynamite plans if you want them. 
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Larry Renger on September 15, 2012, 11:01:12 AM
Thanks one and all!  H^^

I have kits for the Wee Duper Zilch and the Jr. Nobler now, and they will keep me busy for quite some time! 
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Steve Helmick on September 16, 2012, 05:50:20 PM
Surprising that nobody mentioned the Veco Papoose. It was too small for their .19, IMO.

I recall the "Lil' Dynamite" from my Jr. Highschool days, and also the James Wilson designs, "Dominator" and "Shrunken Treasure". Both were .15 models, and believe they were OS Max II powered.  I built a profile-ized version of the Dominator with a steel finned Fox .15 while in Jr. High. It flew very well. IIRC, that was an FM plan, and the "ST" was an AM plan. The "Shrunken Treasure" resembled a Nobler and IIRC, had coupled flaps.  H^^ Steve
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: Bill Little on September 19, 2012, 03:29:29 PM
Surprising that nobody mentioned the Veco Papoose. It was too small for their .19, IMO.
  H^^ Steve

Hi Steve,

I had a Veco Papoose in 1972-73.  I used a current Enya .15 on it.  That was a very good flying model despite its size.  Of course, I did not have adj. LOs, tip weight box, etc,.  With those and any knowledge of trimming I think it would be competitive!

BIG Bear
Title: Re: Classic models for .09 to .15 size engines
Post by: YakNine on September 27, 2012, 07:45:21 PM
I looked up the Lil'Dynamite at outer zone its a cute Lil bugger. I am going to hopefully see Larry Scarinzi in a few weeks and pick his brain about it >:D I finally am getting settled in at the apartment and hope to get back to building by Thanksgiving. I really want to scale down an El Diablo to .15 size. T.J.