Now , if one were talking about SIDE AREA DISTRIBUTION , like what you were , youd see it has a bit .
The Ginormous 58 inch Gloster Meteor had MORE , Considerably . So 15 thou sig lines stretched 20 foot .

Which gave 1/4 loop del;ay in a eight , which was ' intresting ' . These FLY on .015 / .016 solis ,
or .018 Laystrate ( 7 strand STEEL ) 60's a bit short , 65's pretty good , 70 on the beeg varn is velly good,
INDEED . with FP 25s on 9 x 4 's . DEADLY ACCURATE . No Bounce , No Bobble , No Trouble . steady Tension .
No Yaw . But then its got a thousand foot of SIDE AREA . Seing youm mentioned it .
The rignil 74 430 ounce OS max .20 one . 8 x 6's & no Nitro , did REPEAT reverse wingovers , on the outer,
on 70 foot of .012 . ( Test Foist on 65 x .015 , as ifit went flatout on the thin ones it'd go free flight .)
If on the eighth pull out , after initiating , you step back as you slam on opposite control -
The Whole Crowd whos heads have been going left right left in sympathy , will duck at the knees in shock .

So These things arnt BAD .
Me 262 = NONE .
Whirlwind = if you dont get jumpy , read smooth delicate handle movements - perhaps the smoothest manouvres .
This , on initial tests , in a good rural steadyish breeze , Porpoised . Say 6 inch odd . After Furver Fort ;
We OPPENED the HANDLE SPACING . and got delecate . It Tracked STRAIGHT then .
The lack of GROOVE had been DIFFERENTIAL LINE STRETCH , the yo yoing in stretch , withem CLOSE
ment lack of track . With it further apart , the delicate touch let the handle wobble in synch. !

So RIDGID handle holding had caused it. in a manner of speaking . If you fly with it out on your FINGERS rather than palm it ,
Its more sensitive / responsive , to light miniscule & sub Concious ! input .

ILLUSTRATED , as Kieth asked IFIT initially went opposite , with the T - Tail . I believe i observed and automatically counter steered initial op reaction to input , with the high T Tail .
thinking on that , Not to long later . AND Id Burnt Gallons , back then . Regularly . so was Tuned In & with it . Man .
So if your on stretch 15 thou. stainless , If figerin THAT is most of your ploblem . Let a smart assed teenager have a goatit , if he can fly . they automatically do things , with a less ridgid approach .
TRY gluing some of my ' WING FENCES ' on , Theyre 7 inch out . Some Peoiple call them NACELLES . or sumsuch THING somewhere . To Override gyroscopic hoodads and suchlike .
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Mosquito is touchier to Yaw / control input . With ten foot of side area Fwd. & none aft. As it were . Has spun out & pulled a nacelle off with the prop in the lines , recovering from inveted , in the wind .
But a Hot @#$% ' Combat ' Ship . & deadly accurate F2B IF you fly it fingertip & touchy - minimum hand movement , like . Hair Trigger .
the T Tail is steadier , smoother in itself as it were . Youd have to go at it like a lout , and it'd yaw . Can get a roll - lift a wingtip . Sometimes does sometimes dosnt . More if it CRAWLS around on a dead inner .
SO THE ENGINE RUNS A LOT TO DO WITH IT . Good Polised 18 thou , 60 or 63 foot . & on 20 % jungle juice - YOURS COULD BE ROCK STEADY .
Like the 262 .

Temorarilly tacking on a few sheets of scrap , with cut outs for the flaps . Or a ennormous Netezband V fin set up , might learn ya summit too . things tend to improove with age . ( engines are dead equispaced ( Thanks to those assymetric ribs ) .
Foist W W 38 ounce
Foist 262 41 ounce . ( bth OS max .20 backin 74)
Mosq. Initially 60 Os , & climbing . Veco BB 19 (Toin of centry )
WW maybe 55 , who knows ( Its Got Foxes 19 / 25s )
Me 70 , or 72 . or 76 !

No bounce bobble or mush on 70s of the .018 at around 5 or so a lap thereabouts , Doubt faster . A wham wham HIT the Corner - TIMING - approach . broad andle movement .THERE .
But it dosnt know what yaw is , unless your drunk .
AND the cenre of gravities about backathe SPAR , so theres some sort of Mass Stabiliseation Effect going on , BALANCE - Conter Forces balancing forces - stabilises . Like a car on good wide tyures, with that .
whereas the other two are more like moto crossers , touchey . With the T Tail being mid field . So ALL THIS appears to be related to Side areas / Distribution = Line Tension . Steadyness THERE giving something.
unsteady Tension xxxxing it all up . Combined with inadequate wire . your Doomed . TRY the olde Rag down free line to rotate out Stretch . Try some hevier cables and get it moving . It may be just a dither .

These Dont . & I wouldnt try it . Trash motor runs & theyre trash . Rather than their usual perfection .