Classic Designs > Classic Planes

Best modern engine for Shark 45?

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Mike Scholtes:
I am planning to tackle a Shark 45 from RSM soon for Classic. (Well what else?) The fairly obvious modern, readily available engines are the ST51 and LA46, plus 4-strokes like Saito 56/62. I have a ST51 in a 67-ounce Score, very similar in size to the Shark and it pulls well. Of course there are the cool $350 engines from PA and Rich Oliver, but without spending that kind of money what are good engine choices for this ship? Vintage ST46/60 are available (I don't own any) but a used one is kind of a pig in a poke.

Gordan Delaney:
Since you have a ST51 I would go for it. I`ve had one in my Colossus for nine years. 700sqs. You`ll be happy with it.


Randy Powell:
Too bad the Magnum 53 isn't available anymore. I loved the way that ran. Felt like an ST 60 in the plane. Sigh....

Gordy's right. The ST 51 is a great choice.

Bill Little:
Ditto ST G51!  Much, much more stunt grunt than the LA 46, without a doubt!

Crist Rigotti:
Not just a ST G51 but a Tom Lay ST G51.  Yeah, that's one great engine.


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