Classic Designs => Classic Planes => Topic started by: Jim Pollock on June 17, 2009, 02:07:37 PM

Title: Avenger Update?
Post by: Jim Pollock on June 17, 2009, 02:07:37 PM
How has the Avenger fared during its paint re-do?
Curious minds would like to know.......

Jim Pollock   ???
Title: Re: Avenger Update?
Post by: Mark Scarborough on June 17, 2009, 10:00:12 PM
Well the short version is, Since the "event" I have not even been in the same room with the plane, plans are to begin refurbishing it next week.
long version,
state softball, my stepdaughter is a pitcher, and I was occupied with that, then the regionals contest, then Graduation for same said senior, then the contest in Puyallup last weekend , and then a Pylon race this weekend.
so in short, the first week I was to frustrated to make a decision, then I made a decision, I am going to strip the wings to the wood, hopefully saving 3 or 4 oz when I recover with just the silkspan. I also have streamlined the color application some so that I will save a couple coats there which will save some weight. If I keep doing all the things I know will save weight, maybe it will come out at 0 oz! lol,,,
Kind of like a race car, if you do this thing, it will shave a 1/2 second, this will shave another 1/2,, lol
thanks for asking, I plan on having it ready soon,, famous last words. I am actually getting motivated since my backup classic plane is now going to have the leadouts cut as it has issues I have no desire to remedy. In other words, I dont want to cut into it.
Title: Re: Avenger Update?
Post by: Randy Powell on June 17, 2009, 10:21:56 PM

Hey, that's not fair! I had to cut into mine.   ;D

I'm busy experimenting with control system construction so as to avoid a repeat of previous mishap.
Title: Re: Avenger Update?
Post by: Steve Helmick on June 17, 2009, 10:24:18 PM
Mark...Please don't cut off the Ornamental's leadouts! IF you do that, a hundred years from now, some archeologist will wonder how the radio worked that crank thang.  HB~> Steve
Title: Re: Avenger Update?
Post by: Mark Scarborough on June 18, 2009, 08:57:29 AM
one word, LINDA, I am afraid if I cut into "her" airplane, it wont be the only thing that gets cut into! I just keep thinking there is a way to fix it, and that scares me because that means I keep flying it. and I really know that its going to take major surgery to fix it, and repainting it,well, just not gonna happen with that color since its a one off custom blend with MAJOR quantities of pearl. Somewhere I have the residual paint in a can, but still, Nope, its better to let her have it for wall art than garbage can fodder. I should mention, it has totally stock Brodak controls, and I dont remember putting bushings in the horns, not even sure if its a quick link or how its connected. it was built before I even started flying. It does serve as a good benchmark to remind myself how much I have learned though!
when I have Linda snip the leadouts, I will put a "message in a bottle" in the wing or something so that future historians will be able to clearly see that it was not one of them thar' radio controller thingies,,

Just for those who were not there, The thing was starting to be trimmed enough to fly the pattern and it would just do weird things at weird times. Like something was loading and unloading in flight. I could not trust that when I pulled a corner , it would give me an honest response. most likely flexing pushrods, maybe a bellcrank mount not really well done, heck, who knows,, it would be faster to build a new one, than to be chased by Linda for the next year if I stuff it. I sure is pretty though hanging on the wall!
Title: Re: Avenger Update?
Post by: Randy Powell on June 18, 2009, 10:11:21 AM

Well, cool paint job not withstanding, it is, after all, just an ARC Oriental. Perfectly replaceable. I'm sure you could build another one with a better control system and do another cool paint scheme. Just don't show it to Linda and you can have that one to fly.
Title: Re: Avenger Update?
Post by: Mark Scarborough on June 18, 2009, 12:51:45 PM
Hey she alredy knows, she only gets to claim ONE plane,, and this is it.
thats my story and I am sticking to it
I would hate to have to paint my planes ugly just so she doesnt claim them!
of course painting them yellow would preclude any desire on her part to claim ownership, she doesnt like yellow,,
Hey Pete, got any yellow left over?
Title: Re: Avenger Update?
Post by: John Miller on June 18, 2009, 02:04:45 PM
Pete buys his yellow paint by the barrel, so you shouldn't have a problem. S?P
Title: Re: Avenger Update?
Post by: Randy Powell on June 18, 2009, 02:47:40 PM

Not true, they are only 5 gallon cans. Hmm, he does have several.