Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing => Carrier => Topic started by: Joejust on March 30, 2009, 11:09:24 AM

Title: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Joejust on March 30, 2009, 11:09:24 AM
Dan Gerber is credited with being the first to fly a MO-1 in Carrier competition. I have a set of his Class 1 and a set of his Profile Mo-1 he personalized and sent to me in 1991. The profile plans indicate 1988 and from any stretch of the imagination the wing is not close to scale. My question is this. What yhear did the profile Mo-1 first compete.  If it was in the early 70's then his Mo-1 profile might be eligible for nostalgia. anyone know the date or year of the first profile MO-1 used in competition?
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Peter Mazur on March 30, 2009, 12:55:12 PM
I flew in competition with Don Gerber up to 1976. He never flew a profile MO-1. The designs he and Charlie Reeves published were limited to Class 1 and Class 2 and optimized for the "old rules" scoring. I believe during this time he flew the MO-Bipe in Profile, which had no relation to the MO-1 other than that the wings were sheet balsa.
I suspect the first MO-1 Profile to be published was the design by Mike Hazen, from the April, 1979, Model Aviation.
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Joejust on March 31, 2009, 10:19:57 AM
Thanks pete. Loks like the nswer is no MO-1 elligible for profile nostalgia.  Class 1 and 2  are eligible right?
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Peter Mazur on April 01, 2009, 10:07:25 AM
The "Gerber MO-1" Class 1 was published in American Aircraft Modeler in 1969, so it is eligible. The Class 2 version of the same plane, with a 36" span, was not published (as far as I know) but the plans were widely circulated about the same time, and the airplane was competing in the Nats and other places, so I would think that is clearly also qualified for Nostalgia. Sorry about the Profile.
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Paul Smith on April 09, 2009, 07:03:11 AM
From the above evidence, it appears that the "nostagia" event has been created in such a way that is no different from the "modern".

The carrier "nosalgia" will be just like OTS and Classic Stunt: dominated not by models of the era, but by the NEW model that ended the era.
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Mark Scarborough on April 09, 2009, 08:53:39 AM
Gee Paul, once again your positive outlook on life and our hobby enlightens us all,,,,,
is this why locally here, classic is won by Tucker specials, Larks, Shark 35, Cobra?
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Paul Smith on April 09, 2009, 01:13:27 PM
Soooo, if modern and nostalia carrier are both to be domintated by MO-1's, why have two events?

I have a positive attitude toward the idea of a nostalgia carrier event where you fly high performance US Navy FIGHTERS, as the original rules intended.  This seems to degenerating into just three more attempts for a light obseration plane that may have landed on a carrier once or twice.
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Mark Scarborough on April 09, 2009, 02:15:08 PM
Well according to the people I spoke to regarding Nostalgia, ( I was looking at trying out the event, looking for a suitable airframe and setup so that I could fly normal profile and nostalgia) the intent of nostalgia was to give people the oppurtunity to fly carrier models that are of older technology. the bonus is for carrier MODELS that were designed prior to the cutoff, NOT High powered fighters that were designed before the cutoff. So your statemtent regarding that is false based upon the information I was given, oh and the rules?
this kind of stuff is one of the reasons I have decided not to exert my time, precious as it is to me, in this event. I cant seem to get coherant answers, so making a decision on what direction to take became to frustrating. Paul, I should not have posted that comment in all likely hood, but I continue to see your responses in numerous threads take a decidedly negative vent and this hobby to me is about positive fun,, so it frustrates me to see someone participate in a "fun" thing and constantly be looking for the downside, I deal with that every day at work,, sorry, I wont comment on your opinions any more,,
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Chris McMillin on April 10, 2009, 07:11:40 PM
Why not comment, Mark? Paul is Mr. Negatory unless it's his way.

I don't give a damn about the MO-1, it's ugly and no one in the event tries too hard to put nice finishes on these models anymore so they're even doubly ugly. If I do fly the event, it'll be Nostalgia with a Guardian or Corsair and whether I win or not will be in my mind, not what the Nelson/MO-1 crew did.

Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Mark Scarborough on April 10, 2009, 10:08:08 PM
because I get tired of bantering. This hobby is my vent for the frustration of dealing with negative , overprotective, people at work. I dont want to bring that here with me. I gather good information ( most of the time) from the forums. I get tired of reading certain peoples conspiracy, negative garbage and sometimes I cant resist, but mostly I just want a happy world with smiles on everybodies faces....
OH and by the way, my closing comment about not posting to his attitude anymore was more a sarcastic commentary than something I intend to actually follow, I have run across his "stuff" to much,, so,, I probably cant resist,, besides, Im a stunt guy, so its expected of me right? <= y1 n~ LL~ S?P
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: john e. holliday on April 11, 2009, 08:21:14 AM
Hey Mark, it is not only limited to stunt.  Add combat, racing and any other control line event to the list.  DOC Holliday
Title: Where are the Nostalgia Carrier Rules?
Post by: Paul Smith on April 18, 2009, 10:17:48 AM
I'm curious.  Where are the Nostalgia Carrier Rules?

I checked the NCS site.  Not there today.

Is the cutoff date Dec 31, 1975? 
That would make sense, since it was the date of the rules change that ended Carrier was we knew it.
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: skyshark58 on April 18, 2009, 10:38:13 PM
Try   or contact Dick Perry
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Mark Scarborough on April 20, 2009, 01:07:44 PM
Darn Paul,
I was gone for the weekend, and you snuck in again with your always appreciated derogatory comments,, man I hate it when I miss out,, and to think I was only enjoying the flying at a contest dominated in classic by,, oh wait,, there was only one nobler and it didnt win classic,, hmm Paul maybe you should think about that,,
Title: Re: Profile MO-1 first useage
Post by: Paul Smith on April 20, 2009, 02:06:05 PM
Hey, lighten up.  Nothin' to get edgy about.

I flew the events a lot between 1968 and 1975.   I still have the plans, templates and actual engines I used then.  I can come up with a picture of the plane from a 1975 Model Aviation.  There was no kit and and no construction article.  But there IS published documentation that the plane competed before the cutoff.

I'm not trying to get somebody else's model disallowed.  Just checking up on the policy vis-a-vis my design.