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Author Topic: Joe has finally stuck his neck out  (Read 1416 times)

Joe Just

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Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« on: April 09, 2012, 05:31:18 PM »
I guess I might just as well tell all of you that about 15 minutes ago I sent a note to the editor of the NCS bulletin telling him how nice the newsletter is looking.  While at it I also inquired to the NCS membership one or two questions concerning the increase in dues from $6 to $10, asking when this happened and why.  I also noted to the membership that with well over $3000 in the kitty perhaps it was time to do something with the money, particularly outside the Nats.  I ended up with noting that perhaps the NCS needs new officers lest the membership die and the event fades away. If you don't see my threads in the next few days you will have to think that perhaps I am hiding under the bed. Want to converse outside this forum, use the PM feature, or write it off as someone suffering from extreme old age babbling.
PS the latest issue of CLW is really great!!!

Offline john vlna

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2012, 07:20:35 PM »
Do some days feel like this?

Offline eric david conley

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2012, 08:32:49 PM »
     Gee, Joe that was quite a multi faceted statement you made there. Wow, hope you didn't break any bones jumpping out of the closet like that. I guess I'm having trouble understanding why you would make a statement like that (although I'm sure there are others that feel like you) and then say"Want to converse outside this forum, use the PM feature or write it off as someone suffering from extreme old age babbling"? Could be like something the wife and I do often as we get older "we think out loud". Seems funny that I'm the one thats getting in touble all the time for doing it. Oh well. Eric

Offline bill bischoff

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2012, 10:26:44 PM »
Joe, you have gotten me thinking about the state of affairs in the NCS. I know you and John are former NCS officers (as am I), and I know Pete and Bfrog read and post here, so let me begin by saying I am not trying to point fingers  at anybody. BUT... The current NCS web presence is not good. The official page seems to be in a perpetual state of construction, and by the time the newsletter is out, any news is old news. I suggest that a forum such as this is what the NCS could and should be. Real time discussion, Q and A, exchange of ideas and opinions, contest results days after they happen, not weeks or months.

I will admit that I have no clue about what kind of financial or human resources it takes to do something like this. Can we do it? Do we want to? Does anyone else even think it's a good idea. The internet is the first source of information for most folks these days. How do we use it to our advantage?

Offline john e. holliday

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2012, 09:37:48 AM »
I think in the past I have verbally stated that the NCS should use this forum for communication.   We don't need a separate site like some of the CL fraternity have.   I also think a small donation to Sparky to keep this site going will help also.   

Now the dues increase I can go along with even tho I have let my membership lapse(it is being corrected).   Look at the dues of PAMPA and the fine publication they put out.   Yes I also know there are a few that do not do computors, their loss.    Still learning something every day.   

Also Joe, when I find where it disappeared, will be using your handle and control system. H^^
John E. "DOC" Holliday
10421 West 56th Terrace
Shawnee, KANSAS  66203
AMA 23530  Have fun as I have and I am still breaking a record.

Joe Just

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2012, 09:45:06 AM »
Do some days feel like this?

John, NAH! In the past I have been shot in the lower pelvis by a good friend, stabbed twice in my back by gang members, survived two car crashes and one airplane crash flown by my Father, survived Cancer to one of my kidneys, numerous broken bones playing HS and College Football and Semi-pro Lacrosse.  Taking a few "blind side" hits here wont add to my pain at all.  I don't give a Rat's Patoo about what is said about my ravings as long as Carrier does not fade away.  I dont care who runs or belongs to any AMA SIG as long as the main thrust is pointd at expansion of flying our great events.  Sticking my neck out is nothing new.  If reading my stuff leads one to think it is full of POOP, so be it, but it wont stop me from trying to save Carrier.  End of Sermon.

Offline Peter Mazur

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2012, 09:51:23 AM »
I agree that we are not visible enough and a serious NCS web sit would be of immense help. I wouldn't publish the newsletter there, but might suggest the archive of old newsletters would be very valuable. We could also keep the Top 20 up there, too. But most important would be an introduction to what Carrier is all about and perhaps a tutorial on getting started. Technical articles could be put there so beginners and more experienced fliers alike would have access in one place to a wealth of information. I was in one of the big hobby shops in the area (Al's in Elmhurst) and got to talking about what I was buying all that stuff for. The guy wanted our web address so he could learn more about what we do. Oops. Perhaps it would be possible to get somebody to build a web site and serve as webmaster by using a little of that treasury as an incentive? It would have to be a carrier fan, willing to volunteer for modest compensation, as I suspect serious commercial web work is out of our price range.
I agree with Doc that our dues at $10 are about the lowest around. A lot of the money in the treasury, perhaps half, has come from private donations over the years. So our net income on a yearly basis isn't all that great. But we do have some working capital.
Another thing the NCS needs is a newsletter editor. Ted took that job on reluctantly and temporarily. He would like to be replaced fairly soon, so can we have a serious volunteer for this important and challenging job?


Offline john vlna

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2012, 10:19:57 AM »
I was the newsletter editor for 5 or 6 years. One problem that all editors have is getting input from members for the newsletter. Even getting contest results is sometimes hard. I don't know what costs are today but when I quit they were almost as much as the $6 dues, so I don't think $10 is too bad.

Maybe if there is enough in the treasury we should advertise in the magazines. There is CLW, FM which have a lot of CL readers. MA does have a carrier column and Dick mentions the NCS frequently.
PS to Joe. If I had all that happen to me I would likely be dead.

Offline eric david conley

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2012, 10:37:27 AM »
     I couldn't agree more with Bill's reply #3. When the present group of officers took over the leadership of the NCS there was going to be a web site that would cover all aspects of Navy Carrier competition. If you pull the NCS web page up you will see the beginning of that web site. Bill Calkins who up to that time had his own web site that covered a lot of carrier goings on slowly shut his down and started to set up the one you see now. For some reason it was never finished and now except for a few items, languishes there unfinished. I think (for me) it was the corner stone of what was to come under the present leader ship group. When you look at the material that it was going to cover (listed down the left side of the site) it had everything that was important to support Navy Carrier competition.
     When I saw this happening I started checking around on how to build and maintain a site like this and soon found out it is not as easy as one would hope. The old saying of "don't complain unless you want to take over and do it yourself" comes to mind. I'm a builder flier and it was apparent that to do both would not work for me and I cant see any builder, flier, competitor, being able to do it. I have no idea how much it would cost to hire a wed service to build and maintain a site like the one that was started.
     I think our present leaders have done a good job of trying to attract people to carrier, especially in trying to attract back the people that were complaining the most at the time that they took over. NCS is now supporting and tracking 13 categories of carrier classes (9 more than when they started) 3 of which are Nostalgia Classes that were so sought after be a significant number of people. Dick Perry did a lot of work compiling lists of planes, kits, and dates for qualification for the Nostalgia classes and as I look at the results there seem to be half again as many entries in Nostalgia as there is in the AMA and .15 classes in the top 20 lists.
     NCS has incurraged CDs and EDs to time all flights at any carrier event and send the results forward to the Hi-Low top twenty list for rankings (fly what you brung) to bring more carrier fliers out to the field. This is just a couple of things this group has brought to Navy Carrier competition and to say they haven't or aren't doing there job is a bit of a stretch to me.  Eric

Joe Just

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2012, 02:08:07 PM »
Nostalgia hasn't drawn the expected increase in new competitors.  In looking at the top 20 listings for 2011 in Nostalgia Profile there are 14 names listed. of that 14 only 4 are not entering any other top 20 event.  The other 10 fly other Carrier events they have always flown.  In Nostalgia Class 1 we find only 9 listed in the possible top 20. Of those 9 only 3 are not listed in other events . Nostalgia 2 is listed as having only 4 people, with just 1 not flying any other Carrier event.  Adding nostalgia hasn't increased new members to the NCS despite all the time and effort put out.  In Skyray there are 8 listed in the possible top 20. Out of those 8, other than the usual suspects there remains only 3 who don't fly in other top 20 events.  In all "E" classes there is only 10 entrants in the 3 classes offered with only 1 not flying pother events listed.  Profile and Sportsman Profile continue to draw well with Sportsman's total of 15 out of 20 possible names. Just one out of 15 is listed in any other event. Class 1 and 2 are well represented with most (19 out 0f 29))  flying other events.  We need some concentrated discussion  on how to change the way we are flying Carrier to insure new names appear.

PS John Vlna....I didn't mention the majority of injuries, including why I was on crutches and a cane for 13 years. 

Offline eric david conley

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2012, 03:15:09 PM »
     Your pretty much right about the few new fliers being added Joe. The way I remember it is that there were quite a few (or it seemed that way because they made such an issue out of it) people making the pitch that if carrier still was flown the way it use to be (early 70s?) we would have plenty of fliers including the ones that were complaning. Well the complainers never showed up as is the usual with complainers. I would call "Sportsman" a raving success. In 2008 there were 8 sportsman, 2009 11, 2010 10, and 2011 15. Granted there are some names that show up in Sportsman every year that are seasoned carrier fliers and I've heard it said they only fly planes in Sportsman because they don't fit in anywhere else (wont score well)? I guess we could have another new event called "what I never should have built for carrier event".
     Quote; "We need some discussion on how to change the way we are flying Carrier to insure new names appear". I think we have had over the last 6 weeks or so that very discussion and having "skill levels" is one of the leading topics. With our level of entrants I don't see how it could be done, do you? Its a great idea and has worked wonders in stunt. I don't remember what stunt was like before the skill levels.
     Joe, if you would, could you elaborate a little more about what you mean in the above "Quote"?  Eric

Joe Just

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Re: Joe has finally stuck his neck out
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2012, 07:42:46 PM »
Eric, about an hour ago i spent t nearly 25 minutes trying to answeryour request that I clarify one of my sentences only to have it fail to load on this site and I lost the whole shebang.  Here goes another try.
One, Keep the Nats as they are with the exception of using 2 skill classes in profile, expert and Sportsman.  Let the AMA provide awards for the experts and have the NCS give out awards for the sportsmen.

Now, in a nutshell so to say is the changes I feel are necessary to help increase participation elsewhere.

1...NCS provides awards for Sportsmen at regional and local contests

2...Skill classes in profile

3...NCS members should bring practice planes to every contest and work to get watchers on a 3-line handle.  Leave the hook off for this.

4... award specialty prizes for beginners/novice entrants. Something like a small hand made raft for a beginner who "splashes"

5... Have somebody write a "how easy it is to have fun flying Carrier for publication in FL, MA and CLW.

6...Offer Carrier at local PA contests so PA types get at least a look at Carrier (Yes, MUFFLERS here)

7...And i promise, this is the last of my ideas for tonight.  Collect and tabulate a "Competitor of the year"  by having ALL Carrier ED/CD's send results for every person flying Carrier at their event.  Keep a running total for each person and the flier with the highest overall point, including every event win a big award.  It would be my hope that expert Carrier competitors would not be eligible for this.

More coming, I'm just too tired to go much further.


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