A point was mentioned at the 2019 AMA Nats.
The guy with the model had (in my opinion) a valid case.
The published rules simply state "any .1525 (2.5 cc) engine".
But there is also a statement that unless otherwise stated, Profile Carrier rules apply. Somebody who was not even entered in the event tried to make a case that the Profile Rules still applied with the exception of displacement. Myself, and the owner of the model, hold the position that the 15 Carrier rules set aside the the ENTIRE very long & complex Profile Carrier engine section, including muffler pressure, nitro, and rear intake. As stated it the original business case for the event, one goal was to utilize existing combat & racing engines.
As a Contest Director, in a case of conflict, one always takes the course of action that allows the contestant to compete.
As an aside, when electric is mixed with piston power, and the electrics have NO rules other than total aircraft mass, there is no grounds for attempting to disallow certain engines.