Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing => Carrier => Topic started by: wwwarbird on January 07, 2008, 01:41:08 PM

Title: Brodak Guardian
Post by: wwwarbird on January 07, 2008, 01:41:08 PM
 I've got a Brodak Guardian kit that I am thinking of building, just for a sport flyer. I'd really like to see some good photos of some finished examples to ponder over. Some construction pics would be great too. Does anyone have some photos that they can post?

 Thanks in advance... y1
Title: Re: Brodak Guardian
Post by: David Miller on January 07, 2008, 05:33:00 PM
I hope somebody answers your question. I have started frameing wing. Fuselage is ready for paint if I can make my mind up on what I want.
Title: Re: Brodak Guardian
Post by: Balsa Butcher on January 07, 2008, 06:23:45 PM
Wayne Buran posted some excellent pictures on the second page of this forum.
Title: Re: Brodak Guardian
Post by: Alan Hahn on January 07, 2008, 06:48:03 PM
I'd contact Bill Calkins (Designer of the Brodak Guardian), fellow Treetown member. Here is a link to his Web Page
Title: Re: Brodak Guardian
Post by: Wayne J. Buran on January 08, 2008, 05:34:35 AM
I finally found some pictures. This was built from a stock Brodak kit except I clipped the wing a bay on each side to reduce the squares. My idea for what ever reason. I receded the tank into the wing as suggested and it has a stock Brodak (Roberts) bell crank and handle. Power is an Irvine 36 ABC with an O S 4BK carb. I flew it at the 2007 Brodak fly in and it has my usual white and orange paint scheme ala many nay airplanes. I think I am ready for a change so the next one will be a gray and white scheme. I am a carrier retread but as you can see it doesnt have sliders because I just dont like the "hanging" by the prop slow speed deal. I will try to post the pictures.
Title: Re: Brodak Guardian
Post by: wwwarbird on January 08, 2008, 05:33:41 PM
 There are some cool fire bomber schemes that would look really nice on a model. I've seen them in either silver or white with day-glo or bright red markings.
 For more paint scheme ideas go to and hit the the "Take me to the photo search page" bar. Then, on the photo search page, type GUARDIAN into the keyword spot, leave all other blanks as they are, hit search, and you will get pages and pages of photos to look at. This works for any type of aircraft, it's awsome. y1