Vendors Corner > CadClassics plan service
John Miller:
I thought I might post the design I've been spending most of my time on lately. It's named "Vanguard", and it's a full bodied electric, non-flapped stunt design. It has an elyptical warren Truss wing that was fun to work ot. I'm getting it ready to laser cut a prototype so I can prove the design.
Hope you like it.
john e. holliday:
Looks different than the run of the mill designs. Haven't gone electric yet. D>K
I like that. The more moving parts I have, the more ways I have to get it wrong....
John Miller:
Thanks, guys, your comments are really appreciated. It's been interesting to delve into this design exercise. I like the fact that it is different looking than many of those designs who have preceded it. I have tried to apply the principles I've learned from the books and others whose expertise I respect, yet have the design maintain it's own distinct look.
Simplicity, the K.I.S.S. principle, can be good, especially with CL aerobatic model airplanes, but depending on the level of performance you are looking for, There does appear to be a level of difficulty attaining competency with good flapped designs.
There are several well designed non-flapped stunters available. I hope to add to that number with what I hope will be a step, up from the designs that have proceeded it.
The prooving of this design, and it's hopefully improved aerobatic abilities, awaits my finishing the plans, building, finishing, and flying it through the pattern.
Thanks for your interest, and great flying weather to you
John Miller
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