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Author Topic: Profiles, starting with the Pathfinder line.  (Read 27678 times)

Offline John Miller

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Profiles, starting with the Pathfinder line.
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:33:38 AM »
Profiles will be featured here.

The Pathfinder, as designed by Gordan Delaney, or modified by myself, are found in this grouping. Though 3 of the Pathfinders are not Profiles, they'll still be found here. What is not generally known, there are at least 9 versions of Pathfinders. Let me start with the kitted, or published ones first. Then there are other profiles, some of mine, and some by others, including some Classic legal and Nostalgia legal profiles.

The Pathfinder Pro, or as it's also known, the Mark 1 version was the first published Pathfinder. It was published in Flying Models magazine.It was notable for the 200 kit run by Kenn Smith in Southern Calif. It featured a longer wing with a bit more area than the Mark 2 version that Brodak is now selling. Every once in a while, I see a Mark 1 listed. The Mark 1 from Kenn was beautifully and accurately hand cut.
The plans have 2 sheets

Many of you may be familiar with the Mark 2 version sold by Brodak, as kits, ARFs or ARCs.

Let's look at The Mark 2, and how it differs from the earlier version, the Mark 1. The most notable difference ,the wing span was shortened, and, it's now a C tube wing, with spars and leading edge sheeting. The I-beam suffered occasional folded wings due to failure of the I beam. longer wing of the MK1 got blown around in the wind. The Mark 2 has a taller rudder and a ,lower aspect ratio wing. Both modifications, Gordan feels helps the design.

Either Brodak, or myself, can supply the plans. In my case, 3 sheets, fuselage, wing, and a pattern sheet.

Brodak sells a 2 sheet set, as the pattern sheet is not needed when marketing a kit. Their kit is a good value, as it has laser cut parts, except for the thicker parts such as the 1/2" thick fuselage, which is pin router-ed. Brodak also sells wing kits which makes scratch building a breeze.

The Mark 3 is a step up from the pack, sporting a tapered wing, and slightly longer fuselage. A nice looking design with the slight advantage of a tapered wing. It was never published, or kitted.
Three sheets.

The smaller Brazilian Pathfinder, as it was commissioned by Martin Quartim ( Hi hope I spelled his name correctly) in Brazil. Called here, Pathfinder 30. Sized for engines from OS .20-.25 or the Enya .30. Classic engines, from a strong .19 through Fox's, McCoys, and others from back in the day. It features a span of 49", and 530 sq. inches. It has a length of 36".
Three sheets.

The last profile has been called "the best flying model" by some of the top fliers in the country.

The Pathfinder Twin. It paved the way to help understand the advantages of properly trimmed, and powered twin engined stunters. Designed for a pair of .15's, or .20's. The twin, was published in Flying Models, but never kitted.
Three sheets.

There are 3 more Pathfinders. they all are full bodied competition designs.

The oldest full bodied version is the Pathfinder 40, designed in 1993-4. 651 sq. inches area. I competed at the '95 Tri-City Nat's with it.. My first, and only time to fly in the Nat's. I was 1/2 point shy of making qualifying, but I unfortunately  hit a tie down on the landing roll out and lost all but 10 points for landing.
Three sheets

There's the Pathfinder Mk 2 full body which uses the regular wing from the Mark 2 profile. Several of these versions have been built. The builders report that they fly every bit as good, probably better, than the profiles. The full body, adds the additional flying qualities, the stiffness, the opposition to twisting, that full bodied designs are known for.

Lastly, The Pathfinder LE, Published in Flying models, kitted by RSM. It was published in Flying Models. This is to be the last version of the Pathfinder. It has  wing span of 57", and an area of 650 sq. inches. Eric Offers The kit plans for those who wish to scratch build, and offers the kit, from the full Monte, to components, such as Wing, fuselage,etc.

I offer the published plans, fuselage, wing, and patten sheet.
three sheets.

I almost5 forgot The 1/2A Pathfinder. Both I and Brodak can supply plans, but Brodak also can supply a nicedone kit.

There is a Geo style wing available for designs using the Mark 2 wing.
1 sheet.

Here are a few pics of some of the Pathfinders.
The Pathfinder 40, the Mark 3, an d the full body Pathfinder. As I find them, I'll add more.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 10:28:20 PM by John Miller »
Getting a line on life. AMA 1601

Offline John Miller

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Re: Profiles, starting with the Pathfinder line.
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2015, 10:40:05 AM »
Here are some more Pics, that wouldn't fit on the parent post.The first ones are of the Mark lll version. Thanks to Elwin Aude (sp) for the pic of my yellow Pathfinder L.E. taken ay Bodaks last year. Pics of the MK2 full bodied version are next, showing the Alternative Geo wing. Lastly, here's a couple of pics of a Pathfinder twin Electric, built from modifying a Pathfinder Mk ll ARF. The twin indeed uses many parts in common with the Mkll.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 12:05:31 PM by John Miller »
Getting a line on life. AMA 1601

Online Dan McEntee

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Re: Profiles, starting with the Pathfinder line.
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2015, 09:09:46 PM »
   Hi John;
     I broke out my set of Pathfinder Twin plans this past week, and am in the process of making templates for parts. Just can't stand not building a model anymore!!! I'll keep you posted on progress, which may be slow, but after studying the plans, its should be a pretty quick build if I focus my spare time properly. Still trying to find a day shift job and that would make everything better! I'm going to cut a complete kit, then start building soon I hope.
   Type at you later,
   Dan McEntee
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Offline John Miller

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Re: Profiles, starting with the Pathfinder line.
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2015, 11:14:16 AM »
Hi Dan, Good luck with the project. If you have any questions, I'll try to be of help. Gordan also would be available for help.

Alignment is super critical with twin engined designs. A good pair of .15's work fine. Try to avoid using much larger engines than .20's. Electric power should be awesome. Just a little advice.

Cheers, John
Getting a line on life. AMA 1601

Online Dan McEntee

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Re: Profiles, starting with the Pathfinder line.
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2015, 08:15:55 PM »
   Back when I got the plans from you guys, I talked to you about engines, and picked up a couple of those XL-15s while they were so cheap. I built a small 15 size Challenger that Keith Sandberg designed and gave me, and will finish that to help run in and break in the engines one at a time. I built that fuselage to take either the XL-15 or FP-15. I'll probably do the same on the PF-2 in case the XL-15s don't cooperate, I can switch easily to the FPs. Won't be a "gotta get it done this year" project, but will go ahead with it to be completed by the end of the season this year or early next year. Sure wish I could find a left hand crank shaft for one engine or the other. Lots of left hand props in that size available and would LOVE to try counter rotating props on a twin!
   Type at you later,
AMA 28784
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