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Author Topic: Method of business, ease of payment.  (Read 19352 times)

Online John Miller

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Method of business, ease of payment.
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:41:18 AM »
One of the items that increase costs to the consumer is the cost of supplying hard copies, both the copies themselves, and the cost of shipping them, especially to other than US locations.

So, I've decided to make a change.

I must rely on the honesty of my fellow modelers for this next part to work.

I have posted the drawings here as Adobe PDF files. You are licensed to print two (2) copies, for your own use. These files can be taken to a printing house, such as Kinko's, that can supply large document printing, where they will print them for a reasonable cost to you.

Posted files can simply be downloaded from this site.

The easiest and best way to order files that are listed, not posted, is by sending me an e-mail letting me know what you are interested in. I'll send you the PDF file.

I trust that you will send me whatever the file is worth to you. I use PayPal, my email is jo*bel* (remove the 2 *)

I can ship such files electronically, as attachments to an e-mail. You'll receive them quickly, whether local or where ever you live.

Pretty simple.

For those not desiring, or willing, to use PayPal. It becomes slightly more difficult, but, not impossible. Send me an e-mail detailing what drawing files you desire. I'll return an e-mail giving my snail mail. Send me a letter, with your order, and money order for what it's worth to you and we'll be in business.

I'm listing plans, categorizing them as to sport, stunt, or Vintage Combat Categories. these may be broken down further as Profile, full-bodied, twins, Classic, 70's.

I plan to set up the listing and posting of files, this month. November 2020
« Last Edit: November 06, 2020, 05:12:10 PM by John Miller »
Getting a line on life. AMA 1601

Online John Miller

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Re: Method of business, ease of payment.
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2024, 03:22:00 PM »
Trail Blaser 40+ Profile.

Large 46-60 sized Profile stunt design. My design based on Gordan Delaney's Pathfinder Profile.

A little influence from Dick Mathis in the nose construction, 3/4" thick profile fuselage. and it should be good for Stunt competition as well as all around fun.
Getting a line on life. AMA 1601

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