I expect to visit him in a few weeks. If we can find them, I'll be converting them to CAD.
As I remember. the plans were working drawings and not what we might call "plans". They work for a scratch builder, but might be difficult for many to use. Of course, I know you have the skills.
Have you flown it yet? By it's size, it appears like a Surf board going over the top in the wing over. Quite a gorgeous sight by itself. it also presents an interesting illusion when it comes to the square maneuvers. It appears to stop, rotate, and fly out on the new heading, making the corners look to be zero degree turns. I know that's impossible, but it looks neat.
One big advantage, by converting it to CAD, we'll be able to scale it down to where us mere mortals can handle it in the air.
I'll let you know if we find the plans, and, if we do, I'll see you get a copy.
Best wishes Bruce, John