Building Tips and technical articles. => Building techniques => Topic started by: Jim Thomerson on July 27, 2009, 10:47:09 AM

Title: Wings with a single large central spar
Post by: Jim Thomerson on July 27, 2009, 10:47:09 AM
There are a number of older designs which use a single central spar, either a horribly warped piece of oak, or a less warped (maybe) 1/2 sq  balsa.  Examples are the Zilches, the Mackey profile, many of Larry Scarenzi's (sp?) designs, etc. I have dealt with this in two ways.  For the hardwood spar, I make a laminated spar with basswood top and bottom and balsa in between.  One could put a strip or two of carbon in if desired.  Make a laminated spar straight and it will stay straight.  For the 1/2 square spars I have laminated two pieces of triangle stock. I also move the spar down in the wing a little so the leadouts clear and adjustable leadouts can be used.   
Title: Re: Wings with a single large central spar
Post by: John Miller on July 27, 2009, 11:17:23 AM
Good practise John. I tend to go with flat 1/8" X 3/8" spars, mounted about 1/8" or perhaps a little more, to allow for covering sag. I feel that by using these two spars, seperated as much as I can, offer better strength, with less weight, and allow for the use of adjustable leadouts.

In either case, the reultant structure will be better than the original.