Building Tips and technical articles. => Building techniques => Topic started by: jeffindayton on May 10, 2006, 05:23:23 PM

Title: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: jeffindayton on May 10, 2006, 05:23:23 PM
I am currently building a Lightning Streak Kit and a Flight Streak from scratch...I was wonder about the joint between the wing and fuse... and if any tricks to using fiberglass at this intersection or should I just lay on the AR (tite-bond) and forget it?? these will be stunt trainers...the Flight Steak with OS LA-S 25 and Fox35 on the other.

I was going to use the AR and apply a couple fillets of more AR and just cover with film.

Thanks for the info,
Jeffindayton ~>
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: Andrew Hathaway on May 10, 2006, 05:29:31 PM
Typically on a profile I slide the wing into the fuselage, and get everything lined up.  When its where I want it, I tack glue it with thin CA in a couple spots and doublecheck the alignment.  When its tacked and aligned properly, more CA to glue it in place.  When the CA has kicked and the wing is permenant I follow up with epoxy.  Applied to the joint then heated with a monokote heat gun, it thins out and flows into the joint.  It can take a couple applications, and then a final layer of epoxy with microballoons for the fillets. 

The #1 problem with a profile is going to be making the fuselage to wing joint strong enough that the engine vibration won't break it loose.  If it comes loose the engine won't run right. 

AR should be fine, but I tend to stay away from it since I'm impatient.
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: Bob Reeves on May 10, 2006, 06:22:00 PM
Pretty much do what Andrew does except I use fairly large Epoxolite fillets. Epoxolite is pretty strong stuff and isn't extremely heavy.

For poor fitting joints I keep 1/32 balsa sheet around to fill the gaps then a combination of CA and epoxy depending on how well the fit is. Balsa will always be lighter than glue.
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: rustler on May 11, 2006, 12:17:18 PM
I always had a problem with this joint in younger days. The problem is getting a hole in the fus. that exactly matches the wing section. Failing this, getting enough "filler type" glue in to fill the gaps. Putting plenty of glue on the wing and sliding the wing in place was never 100% satisfactory for me.
Eventually I developed a system :- Make the fus. and wing as per normal. If anything, make the hole for the wing in the fus. a bit undersize. As you slide the wing into place, note where it hits the fus., and trim a little of the fus. away, until the wing slides in with a reasonable fit. Take care to keep the wing angle of attack at zero or whatever. Then cut the fus. in half, along the wing centre line. Spread plenty of "filler glue" on the wing top and bottom where the fus. will sit. Add the top half of fus. to the top, and the bottom half of fus. to the bottom. Remember to put glue along the length of the fus. also. Stick a few pins at strategic points to hold everything in alignment and in place. Wind a length of 1/4" flat rubber, (F/F motor? [unlubricated!]) from end to end, or alternatively lots of tightish rubber bands. Ensure everything is still in line, and leave to set. Q.E.D.
This way you know you don't have any unseen gaps between wing and fus.
24hr. Araldite used to be an excellent "filler glue", in blue and yellow tubes, over here, (England). Sadly, we now can buy only a much thinner, runny, 24 hr. Araldite, in white and blue tubes.
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: Steve Holt on May 12, 2006, 11:46:58 AM
One of the slickest improvements to this joint is something Bart Klapinski showed me when I was building my Sterling kit Ringmaster.  I modified the plywood "biscuit" that joins the leading edges at the center by adding a 1/2" wide, 1" long tab to the front.  I simply laid out the kit piece on a new piece of 1/8" ply and cut a new one with the tab added.  The 1/2" balsa fuselage is then slotted to accomodate the tab and the plywood doublers added to trap the tab between them.  My Ringmaster is now 4 years old with hundreds of flights (mostly with a Fox) and no strss cracks in the joint.  It has worked so well, that I modify even kits that don't have the biscuit.
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: Jim Thomerson on May 12, 2006, 01:00:11 PM
I make a bunch of pinholes into the fuselage wood and the center section of the wing.  I put the wing in place, tack it two or three places with CA, put bits of balsa into the gaps and then make a glue fillet with Sigment around the joint on the outer wing (may try a leather fillet).  Let dry, make sure there are no holes.  Mix up 2 hr epoxy and apply to the joint from the inside.  Hold wing vertical and heat joint with hair dryer until it stops bubbling, adding epoxy as needed.  Hang up by leadouts  and let set overnight.
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: Bill Little on May 12, 2006, 08:02:37 PM
A very good idea (was in a magazine a gazillion years ago) is to make a "T" out of 1/8th ply and epoxy it into the center of the LE with the "tail" pointing forward.  Cut a close fitting slot in the front fuselage and this will tie the wing to the fuselage a little stronger while adding some more vibration protection to the front end.
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: Dennis Moritz on May 14, 2006, 08:03:41 AM
Making a tight fit between fuse and wing helps a bunch. When building from scratch I cut opening directly from a rib checking parallel line with stab. Usually kit fuses are slightly undersized, not always the case, in which case various gap filling methods are needed. I line fuse on wing and mark wherever wood needs to be widened. Take out sandpaper and remove wood, refit, etc. Repeat process until opening moves smoothly over ribs and sheeting. Often spend about an hour on this. Checking opening, marking pinch spots, hitting it with sandpaper. Originally I did this with a dremel. The results weren't as precise, plenty of gouges that needed some fill. Sandpaper works fast enough and produces a much better fit. Vertical alignment of fuse in relationship to wing also needs to be checked. Sanding of opening needs to be as close as possible to 90 degrees. Nice sidebar to this process is ham handed souls like myself can manage some quality wood work. Slow and easy. Sweet Jazz on the stereo helps my jittery self.
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: ridley_mik1 on May 23, 2006, 12:20:15 AM
 f~ :P

hi, when i glue my fuselages to the wing, i slice out the bottom of the fuselage where the shape of the wind is cu t out. i cover the sheeting where the fuselage will go in pva glue, the area i have previously marked out, in the very centre. then the fuslage is simply slid onto the wing and the bottom replaced. this technique may seem very primative to some of u guys but it is simple and i have never had a problem with it b4.

hope i have helped
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: jeffindayton on May 23, 2006, 07:48:26 PM
Thanks to all for the input ;D
Title: Re: Profile Fuse to Wing Joint? How to???
Post by: phil c on June 07, 2006, 07:02:43 PM
Probably the best way to build a profile fuse is 'ala the Veco Tomahawk.  The fuse is not cutout for the wing, just the leading edge, trailing edge, and spars.  Slide them through, build the wings on either side of the fuse.  The sheeting butts up against the fuse.  For additional strength you can glass the forward fuse on both sides before starting construction.  This method can easily save a couple ounces of glue over a conventional profile wing installation and still be stronger and stiffer.