Is it going to be a big wide profile of a modern stunt ship or just a low profile stick going back?
If it's the big one then 1/2" sq. balsa top and bottom with 3/16 x 1/2 balsa sticks in a Warren truss pattern with 1/16" balsa on both sides.
If it's a small stick then just sand into an oval cross section.
In either case take some Dave brown CF laminate and cut it in half length wise for some 5/16 wide strips. Glue it to both sides of the fuselage in a big X patteren. You want the CF to cross at the mid point between wing and stab and on center height wise if possible.
This solves both problems of bending and twisting. This will give you the lightest strongest profile fuselage of your dreams and be ugly as hell. Enjoy.