Building Tips and technical articles. > Building techniques

Pizzaz with sliced ribs

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Mike Quinn:

Basic structure done.  Flipped it over in the jig half way through.


john e. holliday:
Looking good.   Nothing like good construction phoios. D>K

Jim Svitko:
Nice jig and building table.  They are necessary items for a straight wing.  Good work there.

I have gone to fully sheeted foam wings now.  I will take a bit of weight penalty since I can get a wing done in far less time, and less worry about it coming out straight. 

Jim Svitko:
From what I can see on those plans, the stab looks to be "flat" (no airfoil shape), with the leading edge simply rounded off.  I built planes with such stabs and they flew well enough.  But when I went to giving the stab some airfoil, tracking was much better.  The plane was more stable around neutral, and corners were more precise.  Less bounce (overshooting).  Anyone else with the same experience regarding airfoiled stabs?

None of that might matter to you but it is something to consider if you have not gone that far in construction yet.

Ken Culbertson:

--- Quote from: Jim Svitko on September 15, 2024, 03:30:23 PM ---From what I can see on those plans, the stab looks to be "flat" (no airfoil shape), with the leading edge simply rounded off.  I built planes with such stabs and they flew well enough.  But when I went to giving the stab some airfoil, tracking was much better.  The plane was more stable around neutral, and corners were more precise.  Less bounce (overshooting).  Anyone else with the same experience regarding airfoiled stabs?

None of that might matter to you but it is something to consider if you have not gone that far in construction yet.

--- End quote ---
With a sharp LE! I use a piece of .025 wire glued to the centerline then sand down to it.  IMHO airfoiled is best.



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