Building Tips and technical articles. > Building techniques

Mounting landing gear in a foam wing

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Thank you Bob

Bob Hunt:
The system shown can be modified to accept either a maple block with a slot in it for the landing gear wire, or for a plate that has basswood strips attached to it to form a channel for the wire. I use the latter because it is lighter. I don't have any photos that depict the way the plate system is fabricated, but I will document the next one I do and post it here.

This system is thoroughly explained and depicted in step-by-step detail in my company's Lost-Foam DVD set. See my Robin's View Productions page elsewhere on this forum for details on that.

Attached is a photo of the finished system in the Caprice just before painting.

Later - Bob

Sorry for dragging up this old thread, but I figure it's probably the best place to tack on a few more questions.

Hopefully, If you're around Bob, you could help me get a bit of a better understanding of things.

One thing that's twisting my noggin is the method of securing the torsion bar upstand in the wing? are you mounting a plate near the top surface on the wing or is there something else keeping that upstand in the right place? I take it your cover plate is ply with a balsa fairing fitted to match the shape of the wing?

Another query is the main spar, is that just butt joined at the centre section?



Bob Hunt:
Hi Greg:

I published a How-To on this in Stunt News a few years ago. I could not find the text I used there, but I do have the photos in sequence and I think they tell the story on their own without the need for text.

I'll post about ten per response so that I do not exceed the limit per response.

Here goes the first ten...

Later - Bob Hunt

Bob Hunt:
Here are the next ten photos...



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