Building Tips and technical articles. > Building techniques
monokote hinges vs dubro
Paul Taylor:
When using monokote to cover a wing do most use dubro hinges or monokote hinges?
It seems that monokote would be best because you would not have to tape the hinge line.
RC Storick:
I use pinned hinges but I think that just Mono Kote hinges will become brittle and wear stressed. Anybody else?
Bill Little:
--- Quote from: rootbeard on February 08, 2006, 07:53:39 PM ---When using monokote to cover a wing do most use dubro hinges or monokote hinges?
It seems that monokote would be best because you would not have to tape the hinge line.
--- End quote ---
Monocoat hinges work very well. I have used them a few times, but I use nylon taffeta "cloth" hinges (OTS, Clasic) or large Kleet hinges (PAMPA class) on my contest planes.
Hi guys,
Well here goes.... here's my first posting here.
I have used Monokote hinges for a very long time now and I do recommend them on any sport flying model however if you are looking to use them on what I will call a "full blown stunter" I would strongly suggest you constantly make sure they are clean
Depending on the amount of flights that you put on your "full blown stunter" you might even want to change them after a year or so.
Now thats not saying they will become defective, it's just that a "full blown stunter" goes through a lot more than a sport flier.
I have a webpage on how to make Monokote hinges on my website
Dave Shrum:
Hey I love this site--cool set up!!
OK, loved your Web site on how to do the moncote hinges !!!
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