Yea Ray, they're hooked up, it turns a bit slow tho....

man, I'm full of it today, naa, that is was an "in progress shot I took while I still working on it. The finished airplane pics dont show the hinges very well.
Thanks Ray, I am pleased with the way it turned out. Well, the way the finish turned out. The fues is white appliance epoxy paint, and Sig Aerocote on the wings, and rustolum yellow on the wing tips.
This is a rebuild after my last crash with it. I thouhgt it to be indestructable, but I was wrong. It still took about a dozen and a half hard hits before the fues was done in.
Here is a pic of it before the crashes.....
I kept the same foam wing and original yellow tail feathers from the first Card. It flys with a 40FP very nicly.
I hope i didnt hi-jack your thread to badly Paul, but the black and yellow Cardinal had monocote hinges also, but not enough to seal the hinge gaps. This yellow and black version is no more.....
time to get glue on my hands some more..