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Molded Leading Edge Caps for foam core wings
john e. holliday:
The fuse gear is probably set up for grass. On pavement it does not need to be forward so much. With the plane sitting level, the center of the wheel should be approximately 15 degrees ahead of the center of gravity. H^^
--- Quote ---it ain't rocket science. I believe that anyone who can fly a CL model can learn the rudiments of foam cutting well and quick enough to make this simple cut. And, if not... order them from me!
--- End quote ---
Correct anyone can do that. Well not really.
I cut foam wings in the late 80's for RC pattern ships. Not perfect, but did a "not all that bad" a job, then ruined the wing without realizing it, by applying that 3/8" leading and trailing edge. Never could get that ink center line correct.
You do great work and you make a great point. Can't thank you enough for taking the time to put that informative presentation together.
I appreciate it. I'd like to know a bit more about your methods of attaching gear and bellcrank mounts?
Don't be surprised if you hear from me, in the future, for a project. I would be glad to have you do a wing.
I don't like making wings.
Thanks again!
--- Quote from: Avaiojet on October 18, 2011, 06:56:50 PM ---Bob,
I appreciate it. I'd like to know a bit more about your methods of attaching gear and bellcrank mounts?
--- End quote ---
It is good to see that you recognize what a real contribution to this activity can be. Bob Hunt has been giving us nuggets of innovation for years and there are more to come. Now, look back on this thread and heed what others have already posted. Get his videos. They are great and will answere many of the questions you seem to have.
And I think I am being polite.
Glenn (Gravitywell) Reach:
Yes, its so easy to be "polite" when theres an obviouse overtone of sarcasm. Good for you Keith, well done. H^^
I'm going to assume the pics are gone because of the sever issue, can they be restored?
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