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Lightening holes in profile fuse - worth it?

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--- Quote from: Ted Fancher on June 07, 2021, 02:42:38 PM ---
How light is light enough?  Can a stunt ship be too light?

--- End quote ---

Maybe one of those feather weight stunt ships would be suitable for the zero stroke engine that I once saw a picture of.  (Really, there was a picture of it in one of the magazines years ago.)

I am not sure of the technical problems here, but maybe almost limitless RPM.  Probably need a very low pitch prop, like 0.1" pitch.  Fuel usage is unknown but should be very very low, so would only need a very very small tank.


Chris Wilson:
Drilling holes in an existing structure is simply correcting mistakes at best and ruining it at worst.
If you want it lighter then build it that way from the start.

Someone, Somewhere, said that the weight of the plane should be less than the displacement of your engine.

Allen Brickhaus or Tom Dixon, I'm not sure which, or if the were repeating it from someone else.

I think this is a good rule to go by.

I try to get my ringmasters, flite streaks, etc to come in at two pounds or less. 24 ounces is ideal, 28 is what I typically end up with.

It seems to work for me.

Now if I could somehow lighten them enough to not crash from pilot error ......     HB~>



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