What do you call the correction for a Quad "P" when it doesn't work? A Quint "P"? Moving the timer to the nose caused it to too far from the accelerometer mount. Aggh.... So now it is back to it's original location but lower in the bottom hatch so that I can see it behind the nacelle. Wing is glued in. I used the Hunt method. Mounted the motors in the nacelles and used a 14" piece of 3/8" poplar as faux prop set. Fixed that in a fixture 90 degrees to the workbench then mounted the wing using my trusted Robarts meter. Works, thanks Bob. Slid the bearings onto the canard shaft and glued them in alligned with the wing centerline. Checked the control linkages and added the center sheeting. The fourth pix is the adjustable accelerometer pad mount. The spacers are silicone fuel line. With this pad design, stolen from Crist Rigotti, you can achieve perfect alignment of the pad. Starting to look like an airplane!
To continue the timer saga I put the props on the motors to see what it would look like and discovered that the timer start button was in the prop arc.

Moved it forward just enough to give me room to start it. Now the aft hatch hold down screw is blocked by the timer.

Scratch building has it's challenges!
Ah, the bellcrank - 5" dual sided to let me mount the canard. I needed to add the lever arm to allow the pushrod to be far enough away from the post then reduce it so that I only got 10-20 degrees deflection.