Building Tips and technical articles. => Building techniques => Topic started by: Leester on June 03, 2008, 04:54:01 PM

Title: Didn't filter paint
Post by: Leester on June 03, 2008, 04:54:01 PM
I just painted a fuselage top with Sig Metallic Maroon and I didn't strain the paint and when I sprayed I got several globs of paint about pin head size. Not knowing what to do I just left everything alone, I did pull the tape off and wouldn't ya know it turned out great. What is the best way to repair these spots ?? sanding?? acetone?? I'd like to salvage as much of it as I can. In the future what should I strain the paint through ?? Should I repair with a air brush when ready ?? Thanks  I know the pics won't show the spots but believe me they are there.
Title: Re: Didn't filter paint
Post by: Randy Powell on June 03, 2008, 06:10:19 PM

Tough problem. I get paint filers from the auto paint shop I use. Every time I go in and buy paint, they give me a stack of them. I probably have 50 so I'm set for a bit. They sort of look like funnels with a screen in the bottom.

As far as the globs. it depends on how bad they are. With something like maroon, you sort of stuck because the color is heavily dependent on thickness. The thicker, the darker. You can try to use some 400 or 600 paper and a small sanding block and very, very lightly take them down to surface. But you will probably end up with discoloration and need to re-shoot those areas, or perhaps not if you don't get too thin. This is one of those times that there is a lot more art then science involved. But if they aren't too bad, you can often just shoot some clear over them with a lot of thinner and they will relax and level out on their own just fine. It just sort of depends on how big they are.
Title: Re: Didn't filter paint
Post by: Don Hutchinson AMA5402 on June 03, 2008, 06:20:56 PM
I use the fabric softening dryer sheets after they have been through the dryer. An endless supply and quite close at hand.
Title: Re: Didn't filter paint
Post by: Ward Van Duzer on June 08, 2008, 02:29:28 PM
Panty hose! (old)

Does any one still wear those things. (We've been retired toooooo long!)
