Building Tips and technical articles. => Building techniques => Topic started by: Avaiojet on August 16, 2016, 10:02:27 AM

Title: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Avaiojet on August 16, 2016, 10:02:27 AM
Looks like I may have to build a custom tank.

I see Brodak offers thin .010 stock for making tanks, but I was unable to find the copper tubing?

Is there a vendor for copper tubing which is used in tanks?

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Tim Wescott on August 16, 2016, 11:12:03 AM
Lots of people make it.  K&S, for the hobby market.  Amazon has it -- try this link ( & see if it works for you.  For that matter, so does Tower Hobbies (
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Avaiojet on August 16, 2016, 09:08:02 PM
    Another topic that a simple search would have brought up several threads on building tanks. I have to wonder if you ever read the other threads on this site? There isn't anything that hasn't been covered at one time or another over the ten years or so that the site has been up and active. I just did it myself so I know they are there! Is it really easier to just ask for some one to solve your problem and do your thinking for you than to expend a little effort yourself? If you did, think of the other things you may find and discover!!! y1 y1 y1 R%%%% R%%%% R%%%%

   Type at you later,
    Dan McEntee

I see I'm still living rent free in your mind.  LL~

Hey! I got a new one. Trollholes.

It's perfect.

On a more serious note.

I went through 21 pages at Brodak and came up empty.

I try as best I can, to do business with Vendors who are tied in with SH and the Forum. All I was looking for was a SH Vendor.

You're a perfect Trollhole Dan, but as a fellow modeler, you don't cut the grade.

If everyone did as you suggested, fewer words would be spoken and there would be a lesser exchange information.

I guess you're good with that.
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Paul Smith on August 17, 2016, 01:11:26 PM
A lot of stores, such as Hobby Lobby and even ACO Hardware have K&S tubing assortments.  It's easier to find than you might think.
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Fredvon4 on August 17, 2016, 02:17:05 PM
Also mentioned frequently for the curious or frugal is:

1. Brass seems to be brittle and splits/breaks/leaks
2. Copper is preferred
3. Tower, Hobbyco, local Michael's, local Hobby lobby, mail order Grainger,s, McMaster  or e-bay

4. Also a good hint has always been the Auto Zone, O'Reilies, Carcraft, Napa...Oil pressure kit for not much $$ with 1/8th copper tubing

I too find it hard to believe Charles has not tucked this frequent information into his bag of tricks... I am similarly astounded by his finishing and building skills...some truly works of art....Kudos...seriously

BUT.... a bit put off with seemingly simple questions from him....this one especially....not so much the original question...we all have brain freeze occasionally .....but the response to Dan McEntee really bugs me
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Sean McEntee on August 17, 2016, 05:24:01 PM
Anyone seen this guy actually fly anything yet?   D>K
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Mark Scarborough on August 17, 2016, 05:57:21 PM
Anyone seen this guy actually fly anything yet?   D>K
Not worth it, totally not worth it
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Avaiojet on August 17, 2016, 06:35:27 PM
Here comes the "Troll Parade."

As usual, buddy, buddy, one by one. Who else will you send an e-mail or PM to to come join in your "Troll Parade?"

And it's getting much smaller.


It's a disappointment to me to see you do this dirty work for others, especially for Dan. I would have expected much more from you than that. The Military builds character, at least that's what I was taught.

If Dan was my Dad, I would ask "What's up with that? What has Avaiojet done to you?"

So Sean, what have I done to you for you to Troll me? And this isn't the first time is it.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Sean McEntee on August 17, 2016, 08:45:46 PM
Here comes the "Troll Parade."

As usual, buddy, buddy, one by one. Who else will you send an e-mail or PM to to come join in your "Troll Parade?"

And it's getting much smaller.


It's a disappointment to me to see you do this dirty work for others, especially for Dan. I would have expected much more from you than that. The Military builds character, at least that's what I was taught.

If Dan was my Dad, I would ask "What's up with that? What has Avaiojet done to you?"

So Sean, what have I done to you for you to Troll me? And this isn't the first time is it.

To what "dirty work" are you referring?

The military builds character, as well as resourcefulness--two things you clearly lack.

Honestly, who doesn't know were to buy 1/8" brass tubing??  Anyone who can type "K&N 1/8" brass tubing" into their browser search can figure it out.   It's not a specialty item by any stretch of the imagination.

If Dan was your dad, you'd definitely have more people witness your "creations" flying then one person who heard you might have flown something somewhere, because my family FLIES what we build and have the hardware to back it up.

...and if I see that STUPID thread of that STUPID Argo of yours get bumped one more time I'm going to punch my computer.
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Brett Buck on August 18, 2016, 04:49:20 AM
BUT.... a bit put off with seemingly simple questions from him....this one especially....not so much the original question...we all have brain freeze occasionally .....but the response to Dan McEntee really bugs me

   He has been doing this for years, that's how he got tossed off Stuka Stunt, and why people have been begging Bob to kick him off here for years. He bullies people while playing the victim, he admits he trolls and is delighted when he gets a response. As near as I can tell, he is every bit as clueless as he seems in terms of facts and logical reasoning skills.

   But from observing over the years, I would speculate that he has some rather serious personality disorders. I think he genuinely needs medical or psychological help. Of course the very same disorders prevent him from getting the help he needs, and makes him delight in the attention he gets for going around intentionally insulting people, picking fights, claiming he is making "lists" of his enemies (for reference, I think I was probably the *first* on his model airplane list, although probably not the top any more). He is very good at manipulating people. This puts him somewhere in the malignant narcissist area, I would guess, with paranoid and maybe even schizophrenic aspects, just from observation. I am also sure he has *other* lists, from the other forums he inhabits.   He has been thrown off at least one - Stuka Stunt - for pretty much acting in the same asshole manner.

      Just this thread offers a great example. He genuinely believes that people call and email each other behind the scenes to pile on and conspire to insult him. The notion that anyone would bother to plot against someone who is so obviously a troll reveals the delusional paranoia, and the narcissism to think he must be really important. He even has a few followers. He LOVES it when these discussions go on, because it reinforces the idea of his great importance and relevance. Of course, what is really happening is that he asks a stupid question, someone calls him on it, he attempts to bully and insult them, and others come to defense of his victim. Nothing to do with any plot or caring about what is going on with him,  most of us just hate to see someone we like (Like Dan and Sean, Bill Morrell, etc beat up by such a worthless individual.

       This creates a feedback loop where his delusions of relevance are reinforced. Eventually, the thread gets locked or he deletes it to cover up his own painful ignorance - and later claims he already knows the answer, and he was just "testing" us or actually invented whatever it was. At that point Bob or someone makes him go back to his rathole, then a few weeks later, be can't take it anymore, and out he crawls again.

   BTW, he is far from the first person like this "in stunt" - a phrase I use advisedly, since he is not in any way involved in stunt. We have had at least one individual with roughly the same set of issues (some of which he was at least partially aware of although powerless to stop) that was far more "effective" in his delusions. This person eventually overcame these issues, with some significant outside assistance.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Phil Krankowski on August 18, 2016, 07:07:24 AM
Auto parts stores carry small coils of copper oil pressure tubing.  It works great for 1/2a, (and pop-pop bot motors).  The OD is 1/8 inch.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Phil Krankowski on August 18, 2016, 07:16:12 AM
You can also google "hvac capillary tubing" and find more sizes from a number of suppliers.  You will be forced to buy a rather large amount of tubing though.  At least it is not terribly expensive.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: john e. holliday on August 18, 2016, 12:34:18 PM
Dan, thanks for reminding me why I keep skipping over the responses from the resident hero.  If not for the all of my stunt heroes being on here I would probably quit coming to this forum.   But, I know I'm on the troll list and have been threatened to be blocked from the forum also so I try my best not to mention its name or moniker.  I can vouch for Dan McEntee and his son from the years I have known them.  Yes I can still picture that skawny kid following Dan around. H^^
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Larry Renger on August 18, 2016, 12:42:39 PM
Quote:" Auto parts stores carry small coils of copper oil pressure tubing.  It works great for 1/2a, (and pop-pop bot motors).  The OD is 1/8 inch."

Tell me more about the Pop-Pop motors, I loved those boats as a kid!  Maybe RC one these days? I still have an original new in the package!
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Phil Krankowski on August 18, 2016, 04:24:08 PM
The simplest is to take a length of thin tubing and about 2 inches from one end make a comfortably tight 90, then about 1 inch, then 3 or 4 turns around a 1/2 inch or pencil size object (don't kink the tube, but size is pretty unimportant).  Bend it back down to even with the earlier up tube, then bend it back in a tight 90 parallel to the first section.  This gets glued into the bottom of a hull, hot glue works great, and a kipper tin makes a great first boat hull only needing 2 holes driven in with a nail for the tubes to pass through the bottom.  The tubes will act as rudders to keep the boat cruising straight and tinfoil and a paperclip will allow steering if you want circles.  The pull off lid can be formed into a house over the candle, held in with hot glue to the bottom and a tea light can be used for heat.

Blow a mouthful of water into the tube to prime, then set into the water, light the candle and put it under the coil.  After about half a minute the engine will start chugging.  The tubing coil is fairly quiet compared to a diaphram engine, but provides good thrust for its ease of building.

I got pictures, I'll post them soon.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Phil Krankowski on August 18, 2016, 04:40:26 PM
Here are some pics of my first and best performing boat. 

I tried building fancier motors, but it is not very easy to solder them.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Dan McEntee on August 18, 2016, 10:11:38 PM
Quote:" Auto parts stores carry small coils of copper oil pressure tubing.  It works great for 1/2a, (and pop-pop bot motors).  The OD is 1/8 inch."

Tell me more about the Pop-Pop motors, I loved those boats as a kid!  Maybe RC one these days? I still have an original new in the package!

   Hey Larry;
    I have several old and newer pop pop boats in my toy collection. I never knew what they were until a guy came into the hobby shop one night asking about them. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about. Then he pulled one out of his pocket. I got a small plastic tub with some water in it from the back of the shop, and he proceeded to demostrate how it worked. Really neat, simple fun! I have found some older small ones at toy collector shows, have another one about 4 or 5 inches long that is a newer replica made over seas some where, and 3 old ones I need to fix up that are 8 or ten inches long. Gonna have to get to that one of these days.
    Hey Phil;
     Just a coil of tubing for the boiler? I would not have thought of that. The old ones I have have tin stamped boilers, should be easy to make on a wood mold and hammer them out. I think I'll have to do that on one of the larger old ones I have that need fixing up. Neat toys that you wouldn't be able to sell to kids these days!!!
    Type at you later,
     Dan McEntee
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Phil Krankowski on August 19, 2016, 06:37:12 AM
Yes, just a coil of tubing works great!  The coil doesn't sound as nice as a diaphragm topped tank. 

I was trying to make some pretty big engines with a diameter of about 1 1/2 inches.  According to some websites I found this is a good upper size to start with, as it usually works properly without fuss.  About 4 inches in diameter is the largest a pop pop motor can be and still function.  The engine has to be able to draw water back into the boiler in adequate volume to cool the entire boiler, and then boil.  I recall one of the websites having quite a bit of math on it, quite possibly a senior project for engineering.  (the bookmarks are not on this computer)

I was using copper and brass...  Tinplate might be a much better choice.  Easier to solder.  Easier to form once, although copper can be formed more aggressively.  The brass shim stock I was using for a diaphragm was not fully cooperative. 

My stamping form was a block of wood and a fender washer.  I was pressing the form with a couple of clamps between another block of wood so the edges would stay flat.  This worked pretty well.  The cavity in the lower block was just chiseled out neatly. 

I used a nail with the tip reground into a cone shape to punch the tubing holes.  This left a space to "sweat" the tubing to the boiler.

I kept burning up the shim stock when I was joining the layers.  I made one with a solid copper top the same as the boiler and it did work but apparently did not draw water back well as it melted the solder out.  Yes, just a tea light again. 

The motors do stop running after several minutes.  When they do it is very important to remove the heat.  Since the boiler is probably full of super heated steam it will allow the solder to melt.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Dane Martin on August 19, 2016, 07:35:12 AM
Just because I love building stuff,  I Google'd pop pop motor boat and found this
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Phil Krankowski on August 19, 2016, 08:34:43 AM
I never tried making one from a pop can like that.  I might have to try it.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Dane Martin on August 19, 2016, 08:49:59 AM
I never tried making one from a pop can like that.  I might have to try it.


It looked neat to me. I will try it also.

In your pic, did you use a sardine can? I love the tubing idea
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: RknRusty on August 19, 2016, 10:50:56 AM
That is too cool not to do!
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Phil Krankowski on August 19, 2016, 11:51:42 AM
It looked neat to me. I will try it also.

In your pic, did you use a sardine can? I love the tubing idea

"Smoked Kippers" which are next to the sardines.  The can is much longer.  The contents taste a little different.  There is not much real difference otherwise.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Steve Helmick on August 20, 2016, 08:24:05 PM
 "Neat toys that you wouldn't be able to sell to kids these days!!!"

Certainly not! Kids aren't allowed to have pocket knives anymore, but they give them condoms and birth control pills, and let them all use the same bathroom. BUT, can't let them have a Gadsden Flag or Confederate Flag, because somebody might get their panties in a wad. I just sent my brother a Gadsden Flag motif "Buff" from "SA Corp.". He hikes in the Sierras and sometimes sends pictures of various varieties of Rattle Snakes he almost stepped on.   LL~ Steve

Well, we may have set a new record for "thread drift".
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Mike Haverly on August 20, 2016, 08:56:24 PM
No kids?  Colton, #2 grandson,  made his first pop pop boat when he was 9 years old.  He made several of various styles and moved on.  His latest project was a "Stirling Engine". 

Thread sufficiently drifted, no wadded panties here.
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Chancey Chorney on August 21, 2016, 02:48:53 PM
Just because I love building stuff,  I Google'd pop pop motor boat and found this

That YouTube video you linked here is the boat I built for my dad. He likes little things like that. It was my first attempt and works well, and rather funny too. The only thing I had done differently is I had used epoxy instead of the blue-tac mentioned. You will enjoy it.
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Target on August 21, 2016, 03:29:31 PM
I liked the 2 second shirt fold video the same guy had for the pop-pop boat.
FYI, they do not sell small copper tubing at McMaster Carr, in case anyone was going to check there.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: RknRusty on August 21, 2016, 04:14:03 PM
That YouTube video you linked here is the boat I built for my dad. He likes little things like that. It was my first attempt and works well, and rather funny too. The only thing I had done differently is I had used epoxy instead of the blue-tac mentioned. You will enjoy it.
Hey Chancey, so you are DaveHax? That's a good video. I really do have it on my fun-build list.
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Phil Krankowski on August 21, 2016, 06:37:46 PM
I liked the 2 second shirt fold video the same guy had for the pop-pop boat.
FYI, they do not sell small copper tubing at McMaster Carr, in case anyone was going to check there.


on their website

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Target on August 22, 2016, 12:29:08 AM
Wow, that's odd....I just searched copper tube in their website, and all I came up with is the bigger stuff.
Thanks for the link Phil!
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Chris Wilson on August 25, 2016, 06:56:35 PM
Looks like I may have to build a custom tank.

I see Brodak offers thin .010 stock for making tanks, but I was unable to find the copper tubing?

Is there a vendor for copper tubing which is used in tanks?

Thanks in advance.


Availability: In stock.
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Dane Martin on October 05, 2016, 10:26:42 AM
That YouTube video you linked here is the boat I built for my dad. He likes little things like that. It was my first attempt and works well, and rather funny too. The only thing I had done differently is I had used epoxy instead of the blue-tac mentioned. You will enjoy it.

I used epoxy also Chancey.
Here's our attempt. Worked better with two candles.

Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Dennis Toth on October 07, 2016, 10:17:10 AM
Just for the record, Charles flies with us Stuart, FL, flies quit well. We were out last weekend doing the Ringmaster thing.


Jupiter hobby has the copper K&S 1/8" tubing, its stuffed on the side a little hard to find in the new store layout, you may need to ask them, at worse they can order it. Also look for 0.008" K&S sheet tin will save a bit of weight.

Best,    DennisT
Title: Re: Copper Tubing for Tanks?
Post by: Robert Zambelli on October 07, 2016, 11:59:30 AM
Brodak sells copper tubing!

All sizes but MUST BE ANNEALED before bending.