Building Tips and technical articles. => Building techniques => Topic started by: Chris Edinger on January 16, 2008, 08:41:03 PM

Title: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: Chris Edinger on January 16, 2008, 08:41:03 PM
    I have a full fuselage design i want to also build in a profile version... my questioin is ... given the additional weight of the full fuse model.. should i extend the distance from wing to horizontal stab on the profile to keep it from possibaly being nose heavy?? there a severe weight difference in the white insulation foam and the pink or blue more denser foam... I have a lot of the corning pink 2" dense foam.. thinking about cutting some cores from that.??  thanks in advance for your input..

Title: Re: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: Wynn Robins on January 16, 2008, 09:05:51 PM
Build the profile the same size as the full fuse - there will be little if any difference in weight if you use a solid profile compared to the full fuse.......unless you taper the profile of course.

The foam thing I cant help on really - someone else can chime in there,
Title: Re: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: Crist Rigotti on January 16, 2008, 09:33:57 PM
You might consider reducing the distance between the engine and wing centerline to keep the vertical CG right when building the profile version.
Title: Re: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: Bill Little on January 16, 2008, 11:46:50 PM
I have always been told that a full fuselage can be built lighter than a profile fuselage, using the same outline.  It only makes sense since there is less actual wood and more *air* in a built up fuselage.  This is considering the traditional solid wood plank for a fuselage.  I am think that the *built up profile* fuselage technique might dispel this theory, though, since you are entering *air* back into the equation.......
Title: Re: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: Paul Smith on January 17, 2008, 05:48:00 AM
    is there a severe weight difference in the white insulation foam and the pink or blue more denser foam... I have a lot of the corning pink 2" dense foam.. thinking about cutting some cores from that.??  thanks in advance for your input..


I found that the colored foam (genuine Dow-Corning Styrofoam, Pink Panther, and the green Royal Dutch Shell   ) is TWICE as heavy and twice as strong as the cheap, generic white foam.

I built a few planes with a plank of genuine Styrofoam.  I cut the cores a lot thinner, but still came out an ounce to the bad.   Unless you're into the battering ram style of combat, there isn't much reason to use colored foam.

Title: Re: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: Mike Spiess on January 17, 2008, 07:54:58 AM
Some of the colored foam give off TOXIC or harmful fumes when heated. %^ %^
Title: Re: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: Will Hinton on January 17, 2008, 08:10:41 AM
What Mike said!  However, I have cut blue foam with the wire with no adverse efects, but I have heard from enough people in the know about the fumes from some colored foams to be very leary of doing so again.
And as stated above, the white is 1/2 the weight of the blue.  Don't know a thing about pink except that only REAL men wear pink shirts! LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ y1 y1 y1 y1 y1
Title: Re: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: don Burke on January 17, 2008, 08:45:03 AM
STRYOFOAM is made from styrene plastic, DUH!!!!  All the foams will give off toxic fumes when cut with hot wire!  Just to be safe wear a good filter mask when around hot wire cutting.  Correct me if I'm wrong.
Title: Re: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: Paul Smith on January 17, 2008, 10:46:18 AM
Some of the colored foam give off TOXIC or harmful fumes when heated. %^ %^

One more thing about the heavy, colored foam: 

It takes A LOT more energy to cut it.   Your power source for cutting white foam may not "cut it". 

Even if it does, Al Gore might include you as a villian in his next global warming epic.


panther -- Pink Panther !!!    You saying he wasn't a real man ??
Title: Re: change a full fuse to a profile fuse??
Post by: Chris Edinger on January 17, 2008, 09:00:48 PM
Wow... thanks for the input ... i insulated my shop with the .. Pink Stuff..... and had some left.. sorry but im.. uh.. lets say.. frugal.. not cheap..  <=  thanks again.. by the way Will. ... I do have a Pink Shirt...  ;D