Building Tips and technical articles. > Building techniques

Brodak Ares

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Dwayne Donnelly:
Sanding and a carving and a shaping, oh joy.  n~

You guys are right, doing this with the wing on would be a royal pain in the rear, thanks.  y1

kevin king:
Looking good Dwayne.

fred cesquim:

--- Quote from: Dwayne Donnelly on December 17, 2022, 07:06:20 AM ---Sanding and a carving and a shaping, oh joy.  n~

You guys are right, doing this with the wing on would be a royal pain in the rear, thanks.  y1

--- End quote ---

this is my method for ages, always carve and sand all of the fuselage withou tail and wings attached. canīt stand hitting the sheeting all the time while sanding or flipping sides in a tiny workshop as mine
good work so far, and great choice of plane!

Dwayne Donnelly:
Thanks for the comments, still sanding and with the top front block not hallowed out yet the fuse weighs 5.6 oz. I'd say that's pretty good.  ;D

Dwayne Donnelly:

--- Quote from: Ty Marcucci on December 29, 2022, 09:52:46 PM ---Wow, 5.6 ounces.  Darn thing must be hollow. y1 LL~

--- End quote ---
I cannot tell a lie, it's filled with helium.  LL~


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