Vendors Corner > Brodak Electric Products
Electric Prop Question
Don Coe:
I've got an electric P-40B Flying Tiger ARF. Engine is the recommended 2820/07. Instructions call for an 11 x 5.5 electric prop. I'd like to run a 3 blade prop. Question is, what size? H^^
Tim Wescott:
I'd start with a 10x5 and experiment from there. Are there any 'lectric 3-bladers?
Don Coe:
Thanks for the reply Tim. Yes, they do make 3 blade props for electric but could you use a gas/glo prop?
Phil Krankowski:
Yes, you can use a gas/glow prop. A gas glow prop is thicker, heavier, and often has wider blades than the electric prop in the closest style from the same manufacturer. Electric is lower vibration and generally run at slower RPM than glow. Using a glow prop on electric is one way to solve prop flutter problems.
The other way around is a bad idea though. Starting and engine vibration can break the prop.
Don Coe:
H^^ Thanks for the info.
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