Vendors Corner > Brodak Electric Products

Electric Conversion Kits: Universal "A" & Universal "B"


Dennis Adamisin:

Stock #BH-1943 Universal "A"
Stock #BH-1944 Universal "B"

These are generic mounting systems adaptable to many existing designs or sqcratch build designs.  Universal "A" is designed to be used in a model that has a 2” wide inside dimension to the full fuselage. This corresponds to just about every 35-40 sized model from Brodak or from other sources. The Electric Conversion system revises the fuselage construction to a firewall mount with a battery tray and a top access hatch. It works with any of the Brodak Arrowind 28xx motors, or similar sized motors from other sources. There are a couple pix shown below of the system going into a Brodak 59 Ares fuselage.

For larger motors try the BH-1944 Universal "B" Conversion Kit that is designed for 2.25” fuselages and large frame motors

Vincent Corwell:
Hi Dennis

What length is main piece in your 'A' kit please ?


Dennis Adamisin:

--- Quote from: Vincent Corwell on February 17, 2014, 01:47:36 AM ---Hi Dennis

What length is main piece in your 'A' kit please ?


--- End quote ---

Hi Vincent
The battery tray is 7.125" long, this can be cut off if needed.  For the Stuka you may also want to consider building a notch into the wing leading edge to gain a little extra room for the Lipo pack.

THANKS for visiting!


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