Vendors Corner > BJM Enterprises
Black Hawk Perky kit?
Dennis Toth:
Do you offer the Black Hawk Perky kit?
Best, DennisT
Bill Mandakis:
I am very sorry to report late. I am getting started on Stunthanger.
Black Hawk is out of business. I have tried to keep in contact. But the supposed take over never occurred.
I do not have any Perkies or any other inventory of Black Hawk. You might find them in ebay, etc.
Jim Mynes:
A few years back I bought the Black Hawk Perky kit. It wasn’t much to brag about. It was all I could do to stay enthused about finishing it. The kit was pretty basic, with lots of blocks that needed carving and shaping.
There’s not much to a Perky. You could easily scratch build one from plans.
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