General control line discussion => AS TIME GOES BYE => Topic started by: Leo Mehl on March 30, 2008, 09:50:25 AM

Title: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Leo Mehl on March 30, 2008, 09:50:25 AM
Hey Mark there are two old grunters here that are now flying the full pattern and they are talking about whooping somebody at the next contest. They are flyin good and I think maybe they can do it. If I were you I would shovel some snow and start practicing. This is a Red Alert! LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ HB~>
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: john e. holliday on March 30, 2008, 02:38:07 PM
Go for it.  Here in Kansas we have the likes of Lew Woolard, Marvin Denny and Bud Burroughs that keep whooping up on us youngsters.  Maybe I can get them to transfer to the Northwest.  Nope I'll keep them here to keep telling me I need to practice with a coach.  DOC Holliday
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Leo Mehl on March 30, 2008, 04:17:39 PM
I caught you know what from two of these guys for posting that thread. I always seem to know how to get in trouble anyone got any ideas on how to get out of trouble. Glade they know it is all in fun I hope. As you probably know they give me bad time so maybe I have one coming.  LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ HB~>
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Richard Entwhistle 823412 on March 30, 2008, 04:33:39 PM

The two old grunters have never expressed anything about wanting to better anyone at a contest. They only want the pure joy of having flown to the best they are able to.  If you do your best and someone scores better there is no shame in your effort.  The fellowship of others at the contest should be reward enough for all the long hours of practice.  They really do believe in holding all who they compete against in the highest esteem.  Shame on you Leo!  They also think the tooth fairy is one cool dude.

Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Leo Mehl on March 30, 2008, 04:44:40 PM

The two old grunters have never expressed anything about wanting to better anyone at a contest. They only want the pure joy of having flown to the best they are able to.  If you do your best and someone scores better there is no shame in your effort.  The fellowship of others at the contest should be reward enough for all the long hours of practice.  They really do believe in holding all who they compete against in the highest esteem.  Shame on you Leo!  They also think the tooth fairy is one cool dude.

I apoligize and Mark, put your snow shovel away
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Art Zehner on March 30, 2008, 04:50:07 PM
  No tooth Fairy???! Doc Holliday, tell me the truth, there is a tooth fairy, Right??!
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Mark Scarborough on March 30, 2008, 08:03:19 PM
Leo, Leo Leo,, you should be ashamed of yoruself, you got them two old codgers practicin with the dillusion of beating me? sheesh,, it wont be a contest when I move up to advanced so there!!!! mw~
hm you must be talking about Richard and Art,, yeah Richard you can talk that game, but you and I both know that if you beat me , though you will pretend its all good sportsman attitude, you would go home and float for a week or two, and thats all good, you old guys need all the brownie points you can get.
It oughta be about fair with me getting zero pracice huh? lol
serious,, I always look forward to seeing you guys. I enjoy competing against you win or loose,,
Now that bieng said,, Leo, I am especially looking forward to seeing YOU in Portland, I can forsee a LOOOOONNNGGG talk out back of the shed for us!
Oh and you  might not want to leave that new Grinder layin around unprotected,, never know when a tree branch might fall on it!

 S?P S?P LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Leo Mehl on March 30, 2008, 09:52:55 PM
Leo, Leo Leo,, you should be ashamed of yoruself, you got them two old codgers practicin with the dillusion of beating me? sheesh,, it wont be a contest when I move up to advanced so there!!!! mw~
hm you must be talking about Richard and Art,, yeah Richard you can talk that game, but you and I both know that if you beat me , though you will pretend its all good sportsman attitude, you would go home and float for a week or two, and thats all good, you old guys need all the brownie points you can get.
It oughta be about fair with me getting zero pracice huh? lol
serious,, I always look forward to seeing you guys. I enjoy competing against you win or loose,,
Now that bieng said,, Leo, I am especially looking forward to seeing YOU in Portland, I can forsee a LOOOOONNNGGG talk out back of the shed for us!
Oh and you  might not want to leave that new Grinder layin around unprotected,, never know when a tree branch might fall on it!

 S?P S?P LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~
I like to stir the pot a little. And me without a body gaard. Seeing you are going to move to advanced you may want to get that shovel out anyway. Love rassin dasin ya because you never get even just confused. I think I am trying to keep from getting cabin fever. See ya at the contest. I am going to nowmove all the back sheds. HB~> HB~> HB~> HB~> HB~> HB~> HB~>
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Mark Scarborough on March 30, 2008, 11:43:59 PM
Leo, I didnt say WHEN I was moving up,, so dont get them guys hopes up yet,, y1 n1

and as for you trying to keep from getting cabin fever,, well we all know its just the paint fumes since you been paintin airplanes this week? You better behave Or I might just tell the "boss" that you been painting in the house, then we will see who gets in trouble! mw~
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Leo Mehl on March 31, 2008, 12:23:03 AM
Leo, I didnt say WHEN I was moving up,, so dont get them guys hopes up yet,, y1 n1

and as for you trying to keep from getting cabin fever,, well we all know its just the paint fumes since you been paintin airplanes this week? You better behave Or I might just tell the "boss" that you been painting in the house, then we will see who gets in trouble! mw~
I am usually in trouble most of the time. It's my nature. I may have to take you out to the back shed for a little talk. ~~> ~~> ~~> ~~> HB~>
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Mark Scarborough on March 31, 2008, 08:18:21 AM
lol, ok Leo,, I will be waiting,, are you brining the other "old codgers" with you for backup?

hows the painting coming along? My new Oriental is getting closer and closer,,,
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Leo Mehl on March 31, 2008, 10:17:10 AM
The painting is getting there but long way to go. I think will be painting most of the summe especialy if I get my Green Box Nobler done. Original Arctic Fox Is next an then Grinder. Boy Ill never do this again.  I will probably be high fron paint most of the summer. Been doing a little flying but has been down in the 30s around here so not a lot of flying yet. Had snow for last 3 days but it didn't stick. Feels more like witer for the last 3 days. UI think I will move neer you where it is warm. HB~> HB~> HB~> HB~>
Title: Re: Two old Grunters on a mission
Post by: Shultzie on March 31, 2008, 10:19:27 AM
Leo, JUST GRAB THE GRABBER ORANGE PAINT...your talent in the finishing dept. takes a back seat to no one...
(As far as our new pattern grunts...Paul Walker has a pretty defining statement emblasend on his Impact Wing...worth pondering for any one thinking about competition stunt flying?


Read the close up quip on Paul Walker's beautiful IMPACT!


(A "Matrix theme?")

Lots of truth in that......CONFIDENCE!!! (however that only comes with lots skill and practice-practice-practice.) Plus a goal in mind, every time you're out there in the center of the circle.
Humm? Easier sad than DUNG...sometimes! ~^