General control line discussion => AS TIME GOES BYE => Topic started by: Clancy Arnold on December 03, 2006, 09:41:22 AM

Title: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: Clancy Arnold on December 03, 2006, 09:41:22 AM
I met Jack at his Hobby Shop in 1981.  He has helped me on so many occasions that I can not count them.  He has made the first flight on so many models for members of our C/L club that to not have Jack fly it first seems to feel that something is wrong.   After having 69 designs published, he knows what he is doing and can fly most any model.  The pictures are about 10 years old of my scale C/L FA-18 that we were trying to test fly.  In the third photo note that only the left engine was running, high speed taxi test.
Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: steve pagano on December 03, 2006, 01:50:18 PM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! a scale c/l hornet !!!!!!!! :o thats amazing got any more pics how did it fly? %^
Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: Clancy Arnold on December 03, 2006, 03:25:42 PM
The only other picture of it is attached.  We built it with the fuel tanks in front of the engines and it keeps getting the fuel lines in the rotors.  Never got a good flight in on it.  It is still hanging in the garage and I think about trying to make it go.
I told jack that he was to make the first flight on it for three reasons.  One, he has more experience than I.  Second, he is a better flier than I am.  And third, he out weighs me by 50 pounds.  The plane weighs 11 pounds and is on 70 ft of .027 lines.

The picture is of it disassembled for transport, not after a crash.
Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: Shultzie on December 03, 2006, 09:46:30 PM

KEEP  DIGGIN THESE GREAT ITEMS OF THE PAST. Keep those contributions coming.

Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: john e. holliday on December 04, 2006, 05:03:29 PM
Clancy you need to get that plane going.  Jack is also one of my heroes.  He helped at VSC the year I had the Staggerwing he designed.  I was so excited I left out the inverted laps.  DOC Holliday
Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: Shultzie on December 08, 2006, 10:02:08 PM
Here is the first time that I met the nationals. I always looked forward to reading and seeing his amazing models that were featured in FM magazines over the years.
He is one of the most creative minds in modeling that I have ever had the pleasure of being around.

Also this was  the last photo that I had taken of him.  I sent a bunch of my slides to Flying Models magazine...many years ago. They printed a few but I never did get the originals back.
I have no idea where they ended up.  Hopefully to him or his family?
What a great looking model this was.
(sorry, the slide was a bit out of focus...due to sloppy photographer with  oily fuel stained fingers.)
I will never know who that fellow who appears on his hands and knees...prostrate there on the tarmac...
Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: Bill Little on December 14, 2006, 09:30:03 AM
I was at the '96 NATS when Jack was flying his Scale Hellcat in an Official and retracts.  The Outboard (IIRC) gear would not come down, so Jack called out "Scale Crash Landing!  All the while laughing!  **)  You gotta love the guy.  y1

And the help he has given over the years is priceless.  Most recently he spent a long time on the phone with me discussing a Bernie Ash design.

Bill <><
Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: john e. holliday on February 15, 2008, 09:53:19 AM
Yes, that is the one and only Robert Brookins from up in Iowa country.  He has finally learned to fly and was always a terrific finisher.  That 'Sheik" wound up being rekitted during VSC comp.  Later,  DOC Holliday
Title: Re: My Friend Jack Sheeks
Post by: Clancy Arnold on August 24, 2008, 12:44:10 PM
Fellow modelers
Saturday August 30 is Jack's 75th Birthday.

He does not get on his wife's computer, but Shirley will show them to Jack.

Send him an e-mail to:
Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: Mike Keville on August 25, 2008, 06:12:42 AM
Great idea!  Let's flood the "In" box there.
Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on August 25, 2008, 09:25:32 PM
Saw Jack & Shirley Saturday @ FCM, here's my "thousand words" on the subject...  8)

Honored & humble in MI
Title: Re: My Frend Jack Sheeks
Post by: Tom Niebuhr on August 28, 2008, 06:08:47 AM
Jack is not only the most prolific designer of the "Classic Era", but is also one of the finest people on the earth. We all received a gift when Jack was born!

That is why John Miller and I came up with the "Sheeks" perpetual award for VSC.

Happy birthday Jack.