General control line discussion > AS TIME GOES BYE

Hobby shops in L.A. area?

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Larry Renger:
Jack O’blennes’ shop in Hermosa Beach was my main go to in the late 50s. But there was a great shop in Redondo. Majle’s name comes to mind. There were Pico Models and Colonel Bob’s, also Ace Hobbies in Pasadena, but the best of them all had to be Tony and Addie’s shop on Victory Blvd. (I think in West Hollywood).

I do remember some of the others mentioned above. I miss them all! 😩

The best two shops now are Pegasus in Monrovia and Smith Brother's in Reseda. Ultimate Hobbies in Orange is OK. Hobby Lobby has some stuff, mostly tools and adhesives.


Dennis Saydak:
Back in the 70s I made two vacation trips to California. I visited several shops in the LA area as well as one in Frisco. The one in Frisco was difficult to get to because of the double parked cars blocking access to it. The LA area HS that really impressed me was Tony and Addie  Naccarato's shop in Orange, or was it Ontario? These folks were super helpful and friendly. I was very impressed with a large multi-engine model hanging from the ceiling. IIRC, it was the DC6 airliner that was featured on the cover of F.M. magazines.


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