NOW , you wont believe this . But a 2 foot x 6 inch piece of 5/8 in. steel ways a bit . TWO weigh twice as much . then theres the other bits . a hammer or bech vice . whatevers handy .
out on the LAWN , where its NOT got rocks or hard bits , You pack the swine , use a 4 x 4 if its inverted . under the spar . Cut a piece of foam from a styrofoam lid from the green grocers , or case .
Sit the thing flatish , Put a stick along the trailing edge , say1 inch x 3/8 x 24 inch . Put another long ' packer ' on that . Sometimes a piece of tin . knife blade , sticky tape , is used to positify location .
a thinner one along the spar ( maybe ) .
THE TRICK is to carefully , judiciously , evenly , and slowly , ( Dont drop it 1

) the steel , ON . Then Another on that .
i did the Spitfire like this a few weeks back . Six hours on a Sunny day , and it was twisted six times further the other way . Par Tickly WHERE it exited the Fuse. T.E. we're sorting out here , Getting it to comply .
This wasnt the desired conclusion . Left a day or two . They ALWAYS come back a way .
Did it opposite , paying attenntion to the T E . ( 1/2 sq. on a silk covered detroiter with spruce spar caps with vertical shear web . )

About three or 4 hours with it less odiously levered , and it came off pretty well spot on .
Got to check again . Dosnt seem to like being stored by the leadouts . tho its the OUTER that wasnt sitting right .
the PRINCIPLE is twist it the f* the OTHER WAY . ( twice to four times the twist ) Leave it for a week . Eyeball . Often itll have gotten itself spot on . You gota go softly easing the weight .
Tho you get more daring . Used two car batteries on a fully sheeted wing once , on planks .