Vendors Corner > Aero Products

Carbon Fiber L.G. Dimensions

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Crist Rigotti:
Is there a chart or someplace I can go to to see the dimensions of the C.F. L.G. you offer?

Hi Chris  if this  shows  OK  then  you  can read  below,  if not  you can  email me  and   I will  send  an email  with the  graph,  This  shows  all  the  size  gears,  The  ones  for  CL  are    F2B-60   F2B40  and  F2Btall,  the f2b tall are ones  paul  Walker  and BOB Gieseke  used  and mounted  over the pipe

A=fuselage width,  B=track,  C=height (axle to fuselage),  D=width @ top,  E=width @ foot,  F=sweepback.

Product   A   B   C   D   E   F   Leg Shape   Avg Weight
40% Extra (soon)   240    640    310    60    25   na   curve down   585
F3A-2000   166   456   185   39   22   na   curve down   145
F3A-Winged                       due January 09   130
F3A-Electric   120   470   195   38   22   98 back   curve - back   126
F3A-Long   112   485   215   38   22   62 back   straight - back   128
F3A-Wide   110   440   180   42   22   60 back   straight - back   125
F3A-Curved   112   465   168   38   22   90 back   curve - back   121
F3A-Large   102   394   170   42   22   80 back   straight - back   110
F3A-Std   102   401   150   36   22   78 back   straight - back   95
F2B-60   60   295   85   35   22   na   flat plate style   36
F2B-40   57   268   72   31   22   na   flat plate style   30
F2B (cl stunt)   60   305   120   25   11   38 back   straight - back   35
FAI (pylon) carbon   76   250   78   30   17   na   flat plate style   50
QM (pylon) carbon   36   238   45   24   41   na   flat plate style   50


--- Quote from: Crist Rigotti on August 31, 2020, 06:58:58 PM ---Randy,
Is there a chart or someplace I can go to to see the dimensions of the C.F. L.G. you offer?

--- End quote ---

I can also email  this, it reads  a little  better in emails

In the below table all dimensions are in mm & average weights in grams.

A=fuselage width,  B=track,  C=height (axle to fuselage),  D=width @ top,  E=width @ foot,  F=sweepback.


Crist Rigotti:
Thanks Randy.  Just after the first of the year I'll nail down my new design and order one.

Crist Rigotti:
The F2B-60 gear, does it have a straight LE and the TE sweeps forward at the axle end?  Or does the LE and TE sweep the same to meet at the axle end?



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