Vendors Corner > Aero Products

OS VF 40 AAC Piston Sleeve sets and NEW Walker CF handles in stock

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--- Quote from: mike londke on April 26, 2021, 08:02:41 AM ---Randy, what is the max spacing on the Walker handles? Thx

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5 inches  which is  way more  than you should  need  for  a  3 or  4 inch  bellcranks


bob whitney:
thanks .i hadn't been following ,then realized i have 2 of these things and one for spare parts


--- Quote from: bob whitney on May 02, 2021, 06:29:18 PM ---thanks .i hadn't been following ,then realized i have 2 of these things and one for spare parts

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Hmm  curious  where you would have got  2  AAC  VF  P/S  sets  from



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