Building Tips and technical articles. => 1/2 A building. => Topic started by: Ty Marcucci on March 31, 2009, 01:57:56 PM

Title: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: Ty Marcucci on March 31, 2009, 01:57:56 PM
I received a Little Devil built up plane by Scientific a few days ago. It is the original form with the small waisted rear fuselage. The plans, as such, are in the box top on the inside. It says: Designed by: A. Spampani.  Drawn by: W. Musciano.  I thought Walt designed this one. Or did he do the redesign on that later, thicker fuselage version?  The box is white with black graphics.  $1.50 for the kit and the kit number appears to be PL-1.  (X)L-1. I can't quite make out the first figure.  It states is is licenced for the Jim Walker U-Control, so this puts it in the very late 40's to very early 50's era.   Any help?  H^^
Title: Re: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: Robert McHam on March 31, 2009, 03:19:25 PM
That is an interesting question to be sure.

My Red Devil, also which says Licensed for the Jim Walker U-Control. The plan is dated 1955.
Walt's picture on the side of the box claims he is the designer of the Red Devil.

Does your box have the same?

Title: Re: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: nobler on March 31, 2009, 09:33:08 PM
Ty: That is an interesting finding that you made. Since Walt was approached by Scientific in 1948 to design models, I would assume that Mr Spampani had designed a few of the models at that time. You have this earlier version, with the much thicker wing, and different fuselage, too. Most of the models that Walt designed indeed were original both in name and appearance, but the second "Walt" Little Devil update continued the name, and some of the design.

There were some '40s kits, usually larger than the Logs that came later,  that had built up wings or built up fuselages, or both, that were made by Scientific before Walt. Two that come into mind were the Kingpin and Atomic (a true .29 powered Team Racer). Walt continued these names and much of the "styling" when he downsized them as 1/2A Logs.

Robert: Please note that the Red Devil and Little Devil were two different models. No question re the Walt provenance of the Red Devil. I restored one a few years ago for Speed at Musciano, by the way. Nice flyer.   

Title: Re: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: Robert McHam on March 31, 2009, 10:43:08 PM
Thanks Curell, I am quite aware that the "Red Devil" and "Little Devil" are two distinct designs.
I have only become aware of the "Red Devil" in the past few weeks. The "Little Devil is a more common design that is also kitted by BlackHawk.
The advertisement that came with this kit does not show the "Red Devil" although it does show the "Little Devil",as well as:
Monocoupe 90A
Beechcraft "17"
Sport Racer
Little Ace
Waco Cabin
Most of which are lesser known models.
I think I could have a good time with the Beechcraft!

The "Red Devil" does look like a fast flier. Thanks for your reply.

Title: Re: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: nobler on April 01, 2009, 10:18:19 PM
Hi Ty: Yes, the early one. I like the way Scientific (apparently) saved a penny or two by printing the instructions on the box top insides.

I have both plans, by the way, if anyone wants either. Currell
Title: Re: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: john e. holliday on April 02, 2009, 08:57:57 AM
Seeing the ad like Scientific always put in the magazines I seen the Sport Racer.  It was my really first successful control line plane.  It had a built up boxy fuse with solid wings and tail surfaces.  I bought a set of plans off someone several years ago in hopes of building another one, but, the plans are so dim that I can't make out the parts.  Also they are not full size as I was told they were. 

I also had the Red Devil in later years that was a Christmas present from my oldest brother.  I tried my best to duplicate the box cover.  I had a lot of fun flying those old Scientific log kits.  The American Boy which was not a log was the first plane I got to loop.  Having fun,  DOC Holliday
Title: Re: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: nobler on April 02, 2009, 11:36:31 AM
Hi Doc: I have the Sport Racer plans. The side view is full size. They give you a full size tip plan view, about 2.5" of it, and you extrapolate the angle of the TE  ( afixed flap) to the wing joint (the LE is straight). And of course you get the side view of the airfoil, showing the chord, so you can make the wing very accurately. The wing itself has both a straight LE as TE as supplied in the kit, and you glue on the angled TE flap.

The only parts you have to estimate are the stab and el. The side view gives you the chords of each, and the various perspective and assembly views will give you a very good idea of how both look.

The airfoil section is 5/16", kind of a Clark Y, but you could make it symmetrical without too much trouble, and stunt it.

Give me your snail and I will send you a copy. Currell
Title: Re: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: Robert McHam on April 03, 2009, 01:55:49 PM
Seeing the ad like Scientific always put in the magazines I seen the Sport Racer.  It was my really first successful control line plane.  It had a built up boxy fuse with solid wings and tail surfaces.  I bought a set of plans off someone several years ago in hopes of building another one, but, the plans are so dim that I can't make out the parts.  Also they are not full size as I was told they were. 

I also had the Red Devil in later years that was a Christmas present from my oldest brother.  I tried my best to duplicate the box cover.  I had a lot of fun flying those old Scientific log kits.  The American Boy which was not a log was the first plane I got to loop.  Having fun,  DOC Holliday

That "Sport Racer" and "Little Ace" are both pretty fine looking models. I want to try both I think but for now I have enough on my plate.
As for the "Sport Racer" it is a profile that I think I would like to try my own design. A sort of tribute if you will, not a copy.
Got me thinking...

Ty, good heads up on that wood by Sig. Thanks,

Title: Re: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: Dalton Hammett on April 03, 2009, 02:03:13 PM
Hello Robert

      Nice advertising flyer you scanned -  I would like to fine that P26A kit in the set...........

   Dalton H.
Title: Re: Scientific "Little Devil"
Post by: Robert McHam on April 03, 2009, 03:28:52 PM
You are welcome Dale.
I posted both sides of this in my "Red Devil" thread for all to see.
