Building Tips and technical articles. => 1/2 A building. => Topic started by: Wayne Collier on April 21, 2007, 05:16:05 PM

Title: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: Wayne Collier on April 21, 2007, 05:16:05 PM
Finally got time and good weather on the same day.  Made three flights before an excessively hard landing.  On the second flight I stayed mostly level until the plane ran out of fuel.  On flight three I tried a loop, stalled, hit the ground hard, broke the tail, then the plane bounced onto its wheels and took off again. Made several laps before the final crash.  Below is a picture of the plane ready for flight number three.
Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: Wayne Collier on April 21, 2007, 05:18:26 PM
Two in air pictures.
Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: Wayne Collier on April 21, 2007, 05:25:18 PM

      Analysis:  Plane flew fair even without tail, but not great.
                    Pilot flew, sort of...
                    Twenty foot lines to fit in area where flight took place = I'm glad I didn't use that APC prop today.

      Aftermath / new project
Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: Clint Ormosen on April 21, 2007, 05:42:10 PM
I hate when that happens! I feel for 'ya man. Rebuild time.
Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: Robert McHam on April 21, 2007, 09:14:08 PM
Hey! A flight, is a flight!

Git'errrrr Done!

Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: Bill Little on April 21, 2007, 09:20:43 PM
Hi Wayne,

Well, the experiment was successful in large degree!  You can rebuild it, or take what you learned from this one and build the next one as a better plane!

Only one question:  Was it fun?? !!

Bill <><
Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: minnesotamodeler on April 22, 2007, 02:04:13 AM
Look again at his third picture...question answered!

Congratulations, Wayne.  I've had far worse outcomes.

Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: frank carlisle on April 24, 2007, 05:03:30 AM
The tombstones in the background suggest that this was a good area to bury a model......... y1
Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: minnesotamodeler on April 24, 2007, 07:49:30 AM
At least the neighbors don't complain about the noise.
Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: Mike Spiess on April 25, 2007, 11:33:58 AM
Same type of neighbors as my flying field has. LL~ LL~
Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: Wayne Collier on April 27, 2007, 02:58:03 PM
Actually we have lived near that cemetery for about a decade.  There was one occasion when the ninety pound retriever that we had at the time managed to get trapped in a recently dug grave.  He fell into it between the digging and the funeral.  I got the privilege of pulling him out while some of the deceased person's relatives watched.  One  guy actually helped.  I was already embarrassed when the wet muddy (red clay mud) dog, as soon as he was out, gave himself a big shake and splattered the bystanders.  I apologized and drug the dog home.  When I got him home  I tied him to a tree, hosed him off, and then addressed cleaning myself up. What a morning...

Any way, back to the airplane.  After the crash last Saturday I wiped it off and put it away.  Today, close inspection revealed much greater damage than I first thought complicating the decision to repair or discard.

I think the plane was just to heavy.  It came off the ground in a reasonable distance, climbed to level flight ok, and  seemed fast and stable in level flight.  Any attempted at a steep climb resulted in rapid loss of airspeed.  Trying a loop from level flight was a bad idea.  I also noted that as the plane got above a certain angle the lines began to lose tension.  If I'd been content to just fly level and fast the plane may have lasted a bit longer.  Bottom line, it was fun.   
Title: Re: It flew...until I crashed...
Post by: Mike Spiess on April 27, 2007, 03:00:22 PM
HAHAHA HOHOHO LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ Now thats funny. I lost a freeflight in a grave once landed right on the casket I just couldn't retrieve it.