Building Tips and technical articles. > 1/2 A building.



Chuck Matheny:
Based loosely on a 2001 Beliaev F2D design.
26 inch span
5 7/8 ounces
flying on 35 foot long...40 pound test Spiderline
TD crankcase is using a Product Engine piston and liner
Kamtech head with Nelson plug
KK needle
25% nitro
22,500 with APC 5x3
Pretty fat wing is 1 1/8" thick from root to tips
I date back to 1985 and this level of performance with the TD .049 was pretty standard back then. These planes were very sporty sport flyers in the 70 mph range  but not enough power to deal with lines wrapped around each other for very long.

Mr. Chuck,
Are you the author of that YT video channel? YT user CL_Jim wants to know.

Chuck Matheny:

--- Quote from: 944_Jim on September 07, 2024, 12:49:06 PM ---Mr. Chuck,
Are you the author of that YT video channel? YT user CL_Jim wants to know.

--- End quote ---
Howdy Jim...yep that's me.
The plane on my channel you like is a scratch built that I based on the looks of a Baby Flite Streak but the carpentry is more like an Old British Diesel Combat type. It flies ultra slow but steady with a PAW .049 and it still flies relatively slow and steady with the Norvel .074 running on muffler pressure.

What I don't get about You Tube is if I choose to list  my model aviation videos "suitable for kids"...then there is  some sort of a time consuming process involved with doing that.
So I figure that 99.99% of kids couldn't care less about model aviation and save myself the trouble.... :)!

kevin king:
When YouTube asks is your video made for kids,  select NO.


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